Can these plants recover? What should i do?


Well-Known Member
100_4197.jpgi left for about a week and my air conditioner stoped working while i was gone. My temp was at 98 degrese when i got back (its been cold so i got lucky in a way) but who knows how hot it got when i was gone. This is what my plants look like now, should i give up on these are will they recover?



Well-Known Member
They got way worse. I kept the temp right but they never snaped back. I replaced them with healthy mothers (took cuttings) Its a 45 day strain (Super Skunk). They will finish a week or so apart. I didnt want to waste light and nutriants on those.


Well-Known Member
Wait. The one in the first pic DID snap back. But the one in the 2nd pic and 2 others died. The first plants I killed in flower. Heat stress.


Well-Known Member
The garden is getting better and the buds are getting big but the leaves look like crap and even though I cant find any mites the leaves look like they have mites. The bud smells GREAT. lots of crystals. I just started using Floralicious Plus and I think it has helped keep my buds potant dispite the stress they went through plus super skunk yields fat as hell so that will help. I should take some pics. I am recovering from the heat stress and Im happy that I didnt give up. Someone shot my dog and for three days I didnt check on my garden right when summer started to hit (at the vet and stuff) and when i did it felt hot but the temp said 75. I saved my dog and hopefully I could save my crop. I have some outdoor hydro going and its growing LIKE CRAZY. Never seen anything like it. when I came back from the vet I was amazed and now everytime I go out back I'm just trippin on my plants.

BakkaLakka SMASH

Active Member
Yeah, don't worry they'll recover just give it the right enviroment again. you just might have yellow leaves till harvest!!
Keep on Keeping on!
You should be fine; my AC went out once and I have one of those thermometers that keeps track of your hi and low temps. At one point, it hit 101 and the plants looked like hell; but they recovered fine.

newb weed grower

Active Member
umm ok i just took the temp of my soon to be spot and well its putting on 78 degrees so i sthat ok i mean is it too cold because i only got one light to use and it should increase by a little
umm ok i just took the temp of my soon to be spot and well its putting on 78 degrees so i sthat ok i mean is it too cold because i only got one light to use and it should increase by a little
Hopefully you have a thermometer in there; but 78 is fine if it's the actual temp in the grow area.


Well-Known Member
I know that its hard to get it too cold. I had a crop in winter one time that got REALLY cold! I'm talking low 50s high 40s and my yield was BOMBIN that crop. The tops of my buds turned dark purple and it was Super Skunk again with that one and it doesn't turn purple normally. I had to run my lights at night because it droped to low 30s at night. they WILL die if they freeze. I think this info is correct, at least from my expieriance so far this is one thing I've learned. I bought my first plants last July. over the last year I've been kind of obsessed but have learned a lot and can do some awsome things with my plants. I clone my own babys and have them ready to flower in 1 month. Every now and then I run into a problem and I have to go back to Rollitup like I did so much when I started. tomarrow I will post pics of my heat stressed garden and show how the buds are still growing with ALL yellow-brown leaves. I also have some really good outdoor hydro I want to show the people on budtrader.


Well-Known Member
Heres the pics. I put pics of the messed up heat-stressed-to-hell plants. My out door hydro in 18 gallon coco pots. and my pit that got shot through his chest with a .38 by some kind of pit bull hater in my neighborhood (I'm suing him. I wish I could sue him for my crop he fucked up). The outdoor hydro, I wish I could show to other more people. This way is the BOMB. These plants are 3 and 4 months from cuttings. They grew light monsters even through the freak hail weather we had up here (I live like 40 min from Lake Tahoe) the hail put holes in my leave and everything but they just healed themselves in days. I use GH 3 part nutes with floralicious grow. Spiders are CRAZY in this garden MEAN spiders but they keep it pest free but I get bit all the time.

