can this be done?


Well-Known Member
i have a space of 4x4x7(homebox xl) with a 600watt hps cooltube. can i do a sog of 30 plants in 7 litre pots? or is that overkill? im trying to stay with soil for one moe go around. im trying to maximixe my yield out put from last time. i will be going with lemon skunk, northern light and maybe ak-48 or white widow. need help with this one


Well-Known Member
I believe that a given light can grow a given amount of weed. To explain, I get roughly the same yield from 2 plants under 400 watts as I do from 9 plants under 400 watts. My grow box is about 13 sq ft. with about 9 ft of that being "grow space". That is around 44 watts/ft2 or 6100 lumens/ft2 not calculating distance from the bulb. I'm no professional and you'll probably get tons of answers better than mine, but I'd rather water 2 containers than 20 for roughly the same amount of smoke in the end. But to answer your question, 30 sounds a little overkill for a 600, depending on container size.


30 does sound like overkill. But considering that it will be S.O.G. the plants will all be at different stages of growth it will work but not with gigantic yields. Adding another light would help get through that foliage for sure.


Active Member
in oregon for a 4x4 space they recomend 4 plants for max yeild.that's what i'v been told!good luck


Well-Known Member
so a sog wouldnt work or be worth it with my set-up? better to just do bigger plants in my area?


Well-Known Member
with a 600w in a 4x4, I'd shoot for 4 nice sized plants. Focus on canopy management to make the most of your light. A scrog will do you pretty good, I'd say.


Well-Known Member
4 nice sized plants in what containers? what r rows of 2 gallon plants? at what height should i induce flowering?