can this be done ?????????????


Active Member
I'm a newcomer to growing and I could use a little bit of help from others with more experience. I have the time to invest, but want to learn how to do things the right way. I would like to start off simple and have approximately $12,000 dollars to invest. My intention is to grow two different ways. I would like to try the hydro-phonic and sea of green and maybe dirt, but I am looking for feedback on which two methods would be the best to start with that will also quickly produce the most yield. I plan for the growing to occur indoors in an empty house, where the basement and attic could also be used in addition to the main open space. My expectation is to yield at least 20 lbs between the two growing methods. I could also use some recommendations as to how to set up the growing areas in order to produce the best lighting, airflow, temperature, etc. Also, I am looking for good websites that are credible, secure, inexpensive, and trustworthy to order seeds, lighting, and other materials from.


Well-Known Member
wow 12k is a big jump. try a few plants first to dial in you skill or you will end up with huge electric bills and not much to show for it.


Well-Known Member
get a whole bunch of 1000w hps, intake/exhaust fans out the ass, a carbon filter the size of a honda civic(just for starters). did u mean hydroponics? ide say ude have to find a trust worthy electrician or friend to wire all that up bc im pretty sure you would be blowing fuses like a mofo if u just plugged them in. im not that experienced witha huge setup tho. theres a forum posted on here that is run by an electrician and he answers qs, ide say post up on that. and if ur seriously looking for room tips i think a pic could help.


Active Member
whos the elec. on here that would be a good outlet also i was thinling of putting the lights on movers to hlp up with some of the space and light thinking want burn the plants as mucch i got a lot of shit floating in my head but any help as nice lord knows i need it


Well-Known Member
Hi pal. I started my first grow in feb. My budget was £3400 which is roughly $5200. Check out my grow and you could get some good idea of what to do.


Few pics for your interest..




New Member
good idea DAM612---- electricity is the first place you need to make secure and safe. MAke sure this house or your generator can support that much electrical current. GROW VERTICALLY. check out (google) Octagon grow setups, vertitubes,cool tubes, these sites may help. Most of "the folks i know" can get 2 lbs off a vertical grow, in organic soil, with 1 1000w light 40-60 plants

my suggestion: create 8 "octagon stations" that are closed off completely. Use 3/600w lights in vertitubes for each octagon. 14.4kwhx24hrs YEE HAAW! It is much more simple to control temp/humidity/ co2/ bugs/ in small closed in rooms. use 90-100 plants for each octagon. HAve plenty of mothers and clones on the ready you will be busy. YOU WILL BE BUSY. EAch room has its own co2, vents and fans, and you could have a lot of success with a continuous grow , meaning 2 grow rooms would always be at the same stage (4 total stages). WIth no problems each room should produce 2lbs, and 4lbs if you do it perfect and strain is good. doing hydro, soil and aero might be VERY VERY STRESSFUL.

but you know that.



Well-Known Member
i would go with more 600w vs less 1000w better coverage and less heat so you can get them closer for more usable lumens

dwc is a bit easier hydro to start in

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
I def agree with engines, vertical growth is the way to go. My first one didnt go so hot because I used a hermi mother, but after that time Ive had great success with my octagon. I also switched from 2 x 1000w to 2 x 600w. It saves ballast energy, and A/C energy. If you live in a place where it gets cold, you can put your inline fans on a thermostatic switch and use the bulbs as heaters. Im all about saving money on electricity, because I dont steal it.


Active Member
First thing I'd make sure you have squared up is electricity. Assuming you can't steal that much electricity, that's a pretty massive bill you'll be looking at each month. Hope your going to put up a "front" of some kind so that your huge bill looks legit for starters. Don't know who your area electrical supplier works, but if i were you, first thing, I'd get a 200AMP service if you don't have one to your spot. Anything bigger than that and you'll almost automatically get one of the new meters that monitors spikes in power usage or at lest that's how my power co. works...
On a side note, if i had 12 stacks at my disposal, WOW....


Well-Known Member
Paint the whole inside of the house flat white and go to town. You could grow so much weed that you also could go to jail for a long time. You could build a perpeputial system that would pay off big time. You will be growing so much that you will have to have help. This will be way to much for just one person to manage. Thank you God father !