Can this be fixed? And what is the broken part called? (That straight tube on side of water pipe)


New Member
Is there anyway to bring this back to life. Maybe a pipe or something. I don’t know. Do y’all have any ideas. Also what is the broken part called. Not a downstem right.
(First post, so thanks guys!)


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Yeah that can be fixed, clean it out real good, put it in the kiln and bring it up to heat slowly over a a couple hours. Hand torch the jagged part and cut clean. Weld a prepped gong joint (cut and air-blocked) onto the cut stem, even out the weld 1/4 at a time, kiln and anneal. But be prepared to lose the whole piece if the internals on other parts of the piece crack during the initial heat or after the repair.

Better yet, after heating, take the existing stem off at the base, weld a new one in plac e and even out the weld. Kiln and anneal very very slowly.
Yeah that can be fixed, clean it out real good, put it in the kiln and bring it up to heat slowly over a a couple hours. Hand torch the jagged part and cut clean. Weld a prepped gong joint (cut and air-blocked) onto the cut stem, even out the weld 1/4 at a time, kiln and anneal. But be prepared to lose the whole piece if the internals on other parts of the piece crack during the initial heat or after the repair.

Better yet, after heating, take the existing stem off at the base, weld a new one in plac e and even out the weld. Kiln and anneal very very slowly.
In other words, shes pretty much fucked. Lol.
Hah, yeah probably if she hasn't worked boro. I was just answering the Q, and yeah it can be fixed. But on the positive side, there are a fair amount lathe workers around if you look, and regular boro workers with a big enough kiln. If it were mine (I don't have a large kiln), I'd chance it and soot-flame the sucker for a while to get the joint up to heat (praying all the way), then replace the stem, then flame anneal. Then find someone with a large programmable kiln (like a ceramics kiln) and do a proper anneal. Takes leg work though.
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Its done. Toss it and get a new one.

Finding someone with kiln would likely be a hassle and only worth effort for the pricey collector pieces.
OK, its not worth the trouble or labor to fix. Maybe 10 years ago there was a DJ Mittens pipe making vid on utube where DJ says "blowing glass is a hustle"...looking at some of this sites offerings, its definitely the case; more now than before. They ship the stuff over via the ePacket where its cheaper to send something from China to the US than it is for someone in the US to send something across town...good for an end user, not so much for american glass blowers
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