Can thrips cause plants to herm?

To be quite honest I've dealt with spider mites so many times I have it down to a science now and I can get rid of them with three applications 3 days apart pretty damn easy but thrips they start from the soil go up to the plant and then go back to the soil again when they lay eggs.... To me they were just tougher to deal with
what do you use? imv 100,0005 organic so it take a couple weeks of chii pepper sauce to kil them for me
lol seriously???? have you ever had spider mites??? not fun.... fungus gnats okay... I agree they're weak af but thrips? come on! all they do is make Iines in eaves
yes, destroyed my whole grop as i had no clue that they could reach such praportions. all green house white widow too
id ike that if I could but this is a new account and IG I can't ike yet.

I AM a master gardner btw haha but that doesn't mean I know everything, u probably have very different conditions than I have
I keep my grow rooms pretty damn clean I haven't grown in a year or so indoors due to personal and family... I've had trips twice the first time I ended up chopping my whole crop down cuz I couldn't get rid of them once I figured them out I ended up getting rid of them on the second run but I guess I just dealt with spider mites so many times that it just is easy to me... And this isn't over a year this is over 15 years 20 years of growing
But now that I'm thinking about it if I ever got them again I imagine I could get rid of them cuz now I understand their cycles
My foolproof method for spider mites is Doctor doom I can't remember the exact name it's organic something I thoroughly spray the plants top bottom all over the place then 3 days later I spray again and 3 days later I spray again I do this because the first spray kills the mites themselves but it doesn't kill the eggs the second spray will kill the hatchlings that have hatched the third is just a preventative measure to make sure those f****** are all dead LOL