can u add nuets every watering?

col. forbin

Active Member
I am like 25 days in flower and I have been doing biothrive bloom nuets every other watering. 4 teaspoons per gallon per the instructions for heavy feeding. One regular water ago I noticed a few lower leaves starting to yellow. I nueted them up a few days later and it seemed to go away. My question is can I nuet every watering or should I continue with the every other? I think the yellow has to be a deficiency of some sort and I feel like they are yellowing because of lack of nuets. Thanks


New Member
yellowing could very well be caused from over watering and or lack of nitrogen in your flowering regiment ph issues could be another causing lock out but if i were you i would add some cal mag into your food diet and yellowing should stop sure you will get posts saying well yellowing is normal but in reality it isn't try to maintain green till harvest and your plants will yield more


Active Member
I use the full line of general organics and i use nutes with every water. i waterr daily because i use soiless medium but yes i believe give em what they need :) u can see my journal for pics


Well-Known Member
Dont be afraid to use a feeding of veg nutes every once in a while. Especially in the beggining of flowering, the stretch phase uses up alot of nitrogen.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
I am like 25 days in flower and I have been doing biothrive bloom nuets every other watering. 4 teaspoons per gallon per the instructions for heavy feeding. One regular water ago I noticed a few lower leaves starting to yellow. I nueted them up a few days later and it seemed to go away. My question is can I nuet every watering or should I continue with the every other? I think the yellow has to be a deficiency of some sort and I feel like they are yellowing because of lack of nuets. Thanks
in hydro (i'm in coco), yes, feed every time. in soil, feed once a week, and water between feeds with plain ph'd water. i've never heard of over-watering causing yellowing, drooping yes. a pic would really help.


Well-Known Member
You can feed them until they start to burn. Every plant is going to have a different food tolerance. Some haze strains do better with just water most of the time, and are easy targets of nutrient toxicity.
Some other strains are known to eat as much as you can give 'em.
My gal right now drinks fert every watering, and still not one leaf edge has turned yellow. I'm going to have to kick up the dose next time I make a bottle.

Like dark said above, it's good to continue veg feeding for the first two weeks of flowering. This will reduce a lot of stretch.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
you'll be able to tell if you start feeding too much. if you're feeding just a couple hundred ppm too much, you'll get tip burn. remember, if you decide to feed more often, do a feed, feed, flush routine. when i was in soil i didn't do that. instead, i allowed a good bit of run-off at each feed. it'll act as a mini-flush and wash out built up nutes.


Well-Known Member
I do the mini flush but more like every several feedings.
It's always a good idea to give her "the big flush" every now and then to remove salt buildup.


Active Member
I did the bio thrive full line up last round with great results in fox farm ocean forest soil . They r really pretty good and fairly priced. If u r using ro water definitely add the cal mag if using filtered or tap 2 x a week is what I did with the cal mag. I also fed fed water when I was usin the gen organics. I now switched to most the botanicare pro line up and a few sups from there power series and am more then impressed with the results I'm seeing compared to organic . My organics weed flavor was ridiculous but I think my yield could been Improved with a natural/synthetic nute like botanicare an a hydro set up vs soil.An from the early results I'm seeing it will b improved the one thing I don't like about the g o bio thrive lineup is nothing that noticeably produces bigger danker buds or strengthens the plants the diamond black and the marine r good shit though. Synthetics also alot less messy and stinky


Active Member
DR Fever ur wrong boss ur plants are suppose to yellow right before harvest and almost everyone has the tips burnt from nutes......Come on u should know this...Green plants is gonna just taste green and who wants that...I wanna taste the plant...JMO..And yeah u can feed every watering but i would give them a good flushing every other week with just PH'd water..

col. forbin

Active Member
I would post a pick but it was just a couple of the lower fan leaves and I pulled them off. I am using promix bx and they are in 8in round by 12 inches deep buckets. 250 hps, constant 60 cfm exhaust, temps are like 80-85 light on 65ish lights off. Humidity is normal. I use distilled water always. My tap water is high metals so I don't even chance it. I am gonna alternate light feeding and heavy feeding with the biothrive bloom to see if it keeps the girls nice and lush until the end. thanks


i watered my plants (650ml) every other day with full nutes all the way till 10 days before harvest letched the soil and fed with only water and molassas and had no problems


Well-Known Member
DR Fever ur wrong boss ur plants are suppose to yellow right before harvest and almost everyone has the tips burnt from nutes......Come on u should know this...Green plants is gonna just taste green and who wants that...I wanna taste the plant...JMO..And yeah u can feed every watering but i would give them a good flushing every other week with just PH'd water..
What do you mean almost everyone has their tips burnt from nutes?

We were more talking about yellowing being normal throughout flowering, but if you do let the plants finish all the way and dont harvest at all cloudy then yes, the plant will start to drain the leaves and youll see yellowing and dying.

What do you mean by green plants are going to taste green? thats what the cure is for.


Active Member
LMAO do some more reading jack....Umm u dont want to harvest at cloudy do ya???NOOOOOOO so yeah the plant is dying and turning yellow thats what i was saying....All plants should be yellow and leaves dying of when u harvest if not then it will TASTE LIKE GRASS(GREEN) not like the plant...


You could add nutrient for every feeding if you have enough wattage being distributed to your plants and specially if your using a CO2 injection system. Check out page 60 of my grow book, right below ;)