Ursus marijanus
I came back from laundry and changed it to Font size 3.. I just wanted to make it a bold statement. No yelling really...
... that's all I'm asking. cn
I came back from laundry and changed it to Font size 3.. I just wanted to make it a bold statement. No yelling really...
Again you do not know me so continuing to insist you do is gay.
Second Johnson didn't and never will win the Presidency.
Basically you are a crazy fuck arn't you.
After all this blabbering you have done on how I am such a bad person all you have to offer us in leadership is show up on the Steps of Congress and Smoke Marijuana. Sure a whole year in Federal Prision awaits us if we do as you suggest. Solid political advice there whoever you are NOT!
I still don't understand why you like me so much. It's queer.
How did you vote in this poll? Did you say you think Republicans will support Re-Legalization? Remember the topic is a National topic currently.
For everyone else I believe 2014 is a pivotal election. We could get more support for Re-Legalization in the House in 2014.
My god Kynes...I actually partially agreed with something you posted.
Satan's gonna need an icepick.
Democrats and Republicans are overall both enemies of marijuana. Too much money tied into it being illegal. My own former home area for instance, NNY, is a pretty Democratic-leaning area in a very Blue State. You won't see too many of the local pols come out very strongly for legalization though, despite what Gov. Cuomo is proposing. The reason for that is law enforcement, border patrol in particular, carries alot of weight up there and they hang much of their yearly budget on fighting Canadian hydro coming down from the reservation. Nothing makes headlines like catching up a trunk full of foreign contraband with an inflated street-value driven by a native "smuggler".
So many people got sold on this stupid "Oh Obama smoked a joint in college, SO HE MUST BE DOWN TO LEGALIZE!" bullshit that it makes me want to scream. Why do you think he (Obama) made such a point of not coming out for or against legalization? Because if he's pro then he boosts Republican moral by being the weed-lovin lefty, and if he's anti then he cripples his own base by backtracking on an issue that they feel strongly about.
Where we disagree is on Romney being a better shot. He has outright said that he would fight MEDICAL marijuana tooth-and-nail, so just imagine what he would have thought about recreational.
Instead of waiting on a strong 3rd party candidate, i'd prefer it if we just did away with the concept of political parties and had people run on an individual basis, on a platform of their own and on individual merit. I know I know, this will NEVER happen, because people are too lazy to actually research candidates and would rather hang their hat on "I LIKE THE BLUE DONKEY!" or replace that with a Red Elephant. But a guy can dream right..
election before last i sat up all evening with my pants around my ankles and a fistfull of lotion waiting for the polls to close and the returns to shout Free At Last!, but he miracle didnt happen, and california has no weed legalization.
but hey, we still lead the nation in invalidating gay marriages!
aww shit i was opposed to that one.
golden staters gonna hate.
you mean the future republicans after 1965?
In American politics, the Southern strategy refers to the Republican Party strategy of gaining political support or winning elections in the Southern section of the country by appealing to racism against African Americans.[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP][SUP][5][/SUP]
Though the "Solid South" had been a longtime Democratic Party stronghold due to the Democratic Party's defense of slavery prior to the American Civil War and segregation for a century thereafter, many white Southern Democrats stopped supporting the party following the civil rights plank of the Democratic campaign in 1948 (triggering the Dixiecrats), the African-American Civil Rights Movement, the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965, and desegregation.
The strategy was first adopted under future Republican President Richard Nixon and Republican Senator Barry Goldwater[SUP][6][/SUP] in the late 1960s.[SUP][7][/SUP] The strategy was successful in many regards. It contributed to the electoral realignment of Southern states to the Republican Party, but at the expense of losing more than 90 percent of black voters to the Democratic Party. As the twentieth century came to a close, the Republican Party began trying to appeal again to black voters, though with little success.[SUP][7][/SUP]
... that's all I'm asking. cn
thats right i dont know you. i can only judge based on what you post, and what you post is inflammatory accusations against those you deem unsuited to express themselves by voting for the candidate of their choice.
repeatedly attempting to imply homosexual interest in you does not demonstrate my gay leanings, but it sure shines a spotlight on your own sexual preferences. not that theres anything wrong with that.
thanks for explaining that gary johnson didnt win. i hadnt heard. and of course, as i voted for the candidate who did not win i am therefore enjoined from holding any opinion counter to your own. fascinating.
i have not blabbered on any subject, much less that you are "a bad person" i have stated clearly and unequivically that you are a steaming pile of crap with a thrid rate mind, and no understanding of how our system works or how it may be changed.
you have, in your own rambling incoherent body of work, demonstrated a real and venous hatred for anyone who is republican, libertarian, independent, or decline to state. you focus particular wrath on the "tea party" and "white people", yet then immediately attempt to paint yourself as a new pot-head moses guiding us all to the promised land, if only we can shed ourselves of any who dont share you own special vision for the future.
and again with the insinuations of homosexuality. you must really think you're hot. but again, sorry chap, im strictly for the ladies.
i have no need to vote in your silly poll since my option is not included.
X Republican who does in fact support the total removal of prohibition on cannabis nationwide.
and again, congressional elections will do nothing for weed, since congress' only option is full repeal of the controlled substances act, nothing else they can do will effect the change you demand, and thats not gonna happen, even if the entire congress and senate are handed to the democrats on a silver platter. as i have said before, most democrats are also opposed to legalization of cannibus, and youll not even get 10 votes to repeal the entire CSA in the house, and NONE in the senate.
you have placed your faith in the democrats, believing that they all think as you do. but they do not.
screaming imprecations and curses at republicans, conservatives, libertarians and everyone else who doesnt want more big spending democrat poverty pimps in washington, does not advance the cause you claim to support, it only wounds it. which seems to be your goal.
and finally, the capitol rotunda is NOT the "Steps of Congress". there is no "Steps of Congress". there are Steps of the Capitol Building which are outside the place where the House of Representatives meets. but the capitol Rotunda is indoors, where doobies wont get wet in the rain, and the congressmen will all get a contact high.
most importantly, 100 or so potheads blazing up in the captol building will actually do more to advance the cause of legalization than electing a slate of democrats. democrats enjoy the fruits of the "war on drugs" every bit as much are the republicans you despise so much. you never argue against this fact since you know damned well it's true. which would make you a tout. a used car salesman who would sell a lemon to his owm momma as long as he gets that sweet sweet commission check.
You'll hear no defense of Holder from me.
But Tha Mittstah would have been far worse and I honestly believe that. He would have actually been the living embodiment of the joke you were making about the farms=factories thing. That's not an endorsement of what's happened under the Obama administration, just admitting Romney has a decided stake against cannabis. I mean come on, the dude doesn't drink soda. You really think he's gonna support weed?
I'm proud of the people of WA and CO for taking a stand though (even if some of the lingo of the bills is questionable). That seems to be the way to go about it I guess.
Don't wait for the politicians to give you what ya can take for yourself. Make them come right out and admit openly that they don't respect the will of the voting public, so we can begin the process of electing people who do.
You just did more of it ass wipe!
More of what? That was not 'blabbering" that was a direct and targeted assertion that you are COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE and damaging to the cause you claim to support.
Jesus! Stop being a dumb ass.
Waiting on you now Corky...
Your rambling analogies I skip.
I see no analogies. I dont think that word means what you think it means...
So let us focus one second on what you don't know for sure but assume.. "Me." So Assuming makes an ass out of you.
That middle-school level riposte (look it up) only works if you first demonstrate that the assumption is in error. As i can only judge your character, your positions, and the efficacy your mental machinery based on your postings , the evidence shows you are a mental midget, or a habitual glue sniffer.
But you seem to like sitting at your computer with your pants down around your knees, lotion in hand, while you hang out here so that may say a lot about you.
Oh my, you really gave a lot of thought to that colourful turn of phrase, sorry Corky, I didnt mean to distract you.
Do I deride you for being a political masturbator who finds me an object of gratification? Well I am telling you no to masturbating to me so I guess now you will act out being a political masturbating rapist to get your thrills?
So much pent up angst. Perhaps you should seek professional help.
That's what it looks like when you take what people say and tell them they can't say such things because you have your joy stick to think of.
What is what "it" looks like?
This sentence has no defined subject. Pronouns are not, as you seem to believe, "Professional" Nouns, nouns which have moved beyond their blue-collar roots, nor are they superior to "non-professional" nouns. Pronouns are intended to replace the noun referenced thus preventing repetition of the subject's proper name. Pro-nouns do not completely replace the need for a defined subject or a clear reference point for their use.
So dude.. if you like your self-promotion on being a masturbating political rapist I'll leave you alone with it. If Not then you know my new name for you. Shall I quote you each time from here on out so others have a correct context for you Mr. Masturbates to our threads.
Peak Intensity Psycho-Sexual Transference.
Self-Examination Level: Zero.
Diagnosis: Narcissistic Sociopath
On another aspect of this queer debate.
BAM! Homophobia is just the seasoning this diatribe required to push it over the top, from merely troubling, to Full Blown Clinical Butthurt.
Our American Right will not support the Cannabis people in re-legalizing so what good are they? Perhaps in 35 years things will change but it's going to be a painful 35 years for them if they don't move towards the American Left.
Right back to blaming an entire group, consisting of nearly half of all americans, for the foolish actions of the politicians on both sides. This is why i hold you in contempt. Deflection, assigning blame based on your own arbitrary opinions, and a lack of intellectual honesty (or intellect itself) is why you are irrelevant.
Newt commented recently that the failure of the Republican party is in not promoting a believable story-line. I thought, as I am sure a million others did at that moment, He is saying the fault isn't the Republican agenda it's the Story they tried to sell.
Newt currently holds what elective office again? Newt represents how many people in that capacity? Newt has been referenced by, celebrated by and even mentioned by who in this (or any) thread?
So Re-Legalizing is a Story I think you Mr. Masturbator want us to believe the Republicans and their ILK can deliver on. It's a Story not a reality.
Newt's words and opinions become mine, by what sinister alchemy?
So what good are the American Right to us and all the people that fill the prisons over Cannabis! What good are they indeed!
What good are YOU? you create threads declaring nearly half the population of the US to be fools, tools or complicit in the prohibition scheme, and provide nothing but acrimony and fervent calls for all to submit to YOUR agenda or be cast out. A;lll this despite repeated and accurate assertions that in fact your precious democrat legislators and politicians are EQUALLY involved in prohibition of cannabis as their republican counterparts. Yes, COUNTERPARTS. Both are merely cogs in the same machine. A machine you believe will reverse it's 80 year course of prohibition if only we get enough democrats in the halls of power. Only a fool or a madman expects repeating the same actions will result in different results.
What good are you to us Mr. Masturbator?
The one that floored me? Prop 35, passed with a margin like none I've ever seen. Golden Staters can't ****ing read! "Yes oh yes pretty please expand the forfeiture laws!!" Thank you Sir may I have another!!! cn
More use than yourself apparently.
You can't get a PHD in "Psychology".So do you have an education to go with all those opinions?
A PHD in psychology perhaps?
You do see how no one is chatting in this thread any more yes? I'm sure you think that has nothing to do with you.
They say winning a fight on the Internet is like proving to everyone that they are retarded. It's the conversation that makes the Internet usefull not getting your personal thrills because you want people to stop saying things you don't like and are uncomfortable with being said.
So look in the mirror if you need to hate anyone else because I will never hate myself over you.
You Win!