Can we grow marijuana and wheat together in a field, Will that impact my soil fertility ?

Dr. Goto

I have recently planned to grow Marijuana in my field, half of the area is to be used for marijuana and half for the wheat crop. I am not sure about the fertility of my soil.
One of my friends told me about this as his uncle is doing this process for last 7 yrs, He is into the business of farming. I am really very confused about this as i have heard of horror stories of crop damage.
One of my friends told me about this as his uncle is doing this process for last 7 yrs, He is into the business of farming. I am really very confused about this as i have heard of horror stories of crop damage.
Buy hail insurance and crop insurance. Oh wait. You can't. If you know nothing about farming stay away.
Wheat is a golden colour in the late summer I'd expect green plants would stand out clearly.
Wait until the combines harvest that wheat. Talk about stand out. If you're talking wheat or corn that dirt is usually shit. Requires fertilizer and more fertilizer. If it's dryland farming good luck if it doesn't rain. Crop-dusting overspray. The old boys at the Co-op wondering aloud if you like other guys and eat bean sprouts.
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Make a grid, and get some soil samples from different spots. Send that off to your local ag extension, they'll let you know what your soil needs.
So finally, I have purchased crop insurance and I have started growing the crops side by side. Now lets see what will happen !
We might see a masterclass in harvesting early
Paranoia sets in when all that green is in plain site

good luck
Even in a legal state rippers can’t stop themselves and security cameras won’t get your plants back
Yes, I performed this technique. Got a positive response from the lab. After the response, I purchased the insurance to be double safe and started the process of growing marijuana along with wheat.
I misread the op, I thought you were planning to grow undercover in a unknown farmers field.

So you mean growing a legal crop, i've never grown outdoor but one of the problems is climate, if you're in a warm dry ish climate that would be good start.
I misread the op, I thought you were planning to grow undercover in a unknown farmers field.

So you mean growing a legal crop, i've never grown outdoor but one of the problems is climate, if you're in a warm dry ish climate that would be good start.
Yes Yes, I am growing is open and in a legal area. I have got all the necessary permissions! Yes, the climate is favorable!
Like others have said, security is the biggest issue. You would not believe the audacity of the creeps who run around ripping plants from backyards let alone plants standing out in a field. One of the biggest reasons you don't see big grow ops in open agricultural fields is security. The cartels grow their crops way up in the Sierras and they still protect their fields with a bunch of armed guys 24/7. The legal grows are holed up in buildings with crazy good security systems, cameras, and armed guards. It's a sad state of affairs really. Good luck though bud! It would be a ton of fun to grow a big crop out in a field legally.