Can weed completely knock you out?


Well-Known Member
I have tried lots of different types of weed, but i never had one that knocked me out to the point where someone could shake me and I wouldnt get up. How doI get lyk that? Is it the type of weed or the amount?whats a good kind?


Well-Known Member
if you know what crocking a hit is, that has made me pass out.

Crocking is when you kneel, then take a hit, then stand up while sucking clean air in, then put your hands behind your head and close you eyes and lean ur head back. hold hit in unti ur head starts blacking out. not longer than 10 sec

I usually come to a min afterward though


Well-Known Member
WHOA!!!! Sounds fucked up...and maybe a bit damaging if done too many times, but sounds fun a try or 2.:mrgreen:
I think it might be damaging. Not sure. It really just gets you light headed and high at the same time. If it is real bad let me know lol. I dont know if it is and i have done it at least 100 times this month hahaha


Active Member
Dont you just get a head rush from "Croaking" the hit? like where you lose your vision partially and sometimes fully and you feel real dizzy and wierd. I get that all the time from just sitting on the couch for awhile and taking a couple tokes and then on the last 1 I get up real quick and head for the kichen and then it hits and usually is so stong i cant see and i have to hold onto the wall for a couple seconds because I lose my balance. I have passed out 1 time from that but i wasnt smoking unbelievable weed.


Well-Known Member
yeah thats exactly how it feels. It has got me so dizzy that I have passed out for a sec though because it cuts off the air to the brain. Thats what getting light headed is...a lack of air to the brain


Active Member
Hi Everyone I'm new to the site and so far I'm liking what I see. I rolled a XL blunt that was huge and it was split between me and my friend we were also drinking tequila sunrises and my friend passed out outside on our chair swing and I could not get him up so I left him out there. He only had maybe one drink. Also another one of my friends whenever he smokes he always lays on the floor, doesn't fall asleep but doesn't get up lol. Nothing really knocks me out but then again I'm an insomniac.


Active Member
yea when i was smoking with my aunt and it happened to me and i told her "I cant see you right now Im having a head rush" she got all worried and thinks I have epilepsy now lol


Well-Known Member
yea when i was smoking with my aunt and it happened to me and i told her "I cant see you right now Im having a head rush" she got all worried and thinks I have epilepsy now lol
lol, yeah i fall alot. And blacking out is all part of the crocking haha. If you dont black out your not crocking right haha


Well-Known Member
we have a very nice 5 foot gravity bong. people regularly pass out from that guy. i've also seen someone drop after clearing a 4 foot bong. took him two breaths, but he never inhaled air so we figured it still counted as clearing...

n20, on the other hand, is a whole nutha bunch'a madness.


New Member
Hey guys, I'm new to the form and I've been smoking pretty heavily for about 6 months now and these past two days I've passed out and fell and smashed my face and shoulder into the ground. The first one was right after work, we had just worked a 10 hour day and I didn't drink enough water, I got home and smoked a dab off of my vape coil and it knocked me out and I fell on my face and I was out for probably like 2 minutes. Then this morning I smoked a bowl of just kief and the same thing happened. Is this very bad? Should I be worried about myself?