This is where I am now. Enrire plant is now male, growing happily, but even with many flowers opening, there's no visible pollen. I've always had straight males, not hermies. So I'm not even sure when it'll be prime time for breeding. Any advice? This is my first time with the colloidal silver process.
You are dangerously close to success.
Get a small plastic container, and take a couple of the best looking "male" flowers (the ones you made from the colloidal girl) and gently crush them to get them to open.
Any yellow dust that appears in your container, dip a q-tip or small paint brush into and brush it onto the female bud you want to pollinate. Mark the pollinated bud branch with a twist tie and record the date, what the strains were, etc. If the pollen took, in a day or so, you'll notice the white pistils have turned brown and she's knocked up. I'd wait at least 30 days, before plucking the seeds. Sometimes a little longer isn't a bad idea to ensure they are well developed.
Often a colloidal silver "male" produces less pollen than a natural girl, so you're not likely to see clouds of pollen like you would if it was a natural male. Some strains are more stubborn. I recently observed two Mk Ultras go full tranny with a decent amount of pollen, and another, an Iranian Cross, produced very little pollen under identical conditions...but it did FINALLY produce some.
If you started with a girl and she's got balls now you're very close to success. Don't try to squeeze the flower too soon though. If no pollen yet, let some swell to the point where they are opening themselves, there should be some pollen then. Good luck.