can you clone a full branch? (pics)

past times

Well-Known Member
I have been working on establishing some bonsai mums. One of my plants has gotten a little out of control so i am going to be doing some major trimming and training tonight. some of the main branches are probably going to go. i was wondering if i could keep a brach intact (having around 4-6, 3 inch, shoots) as a clone, or should i just break it down into a individual clones?

Guess i am wondering if it is possible to root it as one plant.


Well-Known Member
i say individual.. you'll get more plants.. to tell you the truth, the bigger the clone the better, IMO. but that would be a relatively huge clone... shit if you dont care about having more plants... do it. larger clones root faster, thus, grow faster than smaller clones

past times

Well-Known Member
haha, my bad. I forgot to post them. if you look at the pic of my veg box you can see my cloning chamber in the front left.

I am thinking i will do a few normal, and then try one with a few branches. not sure which branch yet though.

normally those cfls in the corners are on (warm spectrum).



Active Member
beautiful pics!
hey i had a seedling break in the middle of its branch i replanted it as a clone with some rooting hormone... wonder if it will grow...? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I'd say yea because I have trans planted from soil to dwc had to put themain root at the bottom of top bucket (3 gal in 5 gal) with coco bark and roots grew on the stem quick, might be slower from a cutting

past times

Well-Known Member
thanks, i am doing a big watering and trimming tonight as soon as my flowering room comes on. I have a fish tank with a bubbler that i put tap water in for watering. ill put a few more pics up once i clone tonight. I just started using rockwool and am loving it. I never succeeded with peaet pellets, went like 40% on straight into soil, but just went 6 for 6 with the rockwool....

here is a pic of the skunk i just cut down. it is the mother of the mum on the right, if that makes sense...i am real high



Well-Known Member
i think the bigger the clone, the tougher it is to get it to root.. just for the fact you have more area that will lose moisture.. probably just have to mist them a bit more, but wouldn't see why size would really matter.

Brick Top

New Member
If you were not in a hurry to do the cutting part you could air layer the entire branch and end up with a decent sized plant all on its own without so many headaches trying to keep something that size alive without a root structure. I guess it could even be done in sections before. I just never thought about it like that before. I always just thought as in taking a good sized branch to make another donor/mother plant out of or something that is already good sized and just about ready to flower.

past times

Well-Known Member
tahts what i was thinking token. I am going to give it a try though this sunday. I was going to toss the 2 lsat clippings because yesturday was 2 weeks, but when i checked them they both had like 4 roots each. So with their pots in there i dont have room for the cloning chamber until i flower something. This sunday i am going to try it in my next round of secret service.

this is the mutha of the mutha of the one that needs to be trimmed. it started at the same time as the skunk that was cut down. just grew like a banchy. it had a big nitrogen or magnesium deficiency but i was trying to flush the skunk. if any clipping with multiple shoots can root, it is this one.

the genetics are G13 haze x Blueberry. It is my own mixture. Secret Service


past times

Well-Known Member
you saying flowering the mother? i thought about doing that. the skunk mum would be a perfect scrog. but the whole idea is to have a badass old bonsai MJ plant. I only have a 250hps for flowering so i do everything in tight quarters.

i may still do it down the road though because i am threading in new seeds into the flowering rotation in search of a mother in a new strain.


Active Member
Is thta one plant? on the 4th pic? yer side branches are as wide as my center stem... i dotn seem to be getting ANY side growth... i just a nice sturdy stem all the way up and a few double sided nodes, no alternating nodes. its one foot high, shuld i wait longer? 2 months? why does everyone else seem to have bushes with lots of side growth and mine dont?! :p