can you colonize two strains of cubes together ??


New Member
hi guys/girls,

please forgive my newbieness to the world of cubensis cultivation,

im probably going to take a ribbing for asking.....

but i was just wondering whether you can colonize two strains of cubes together in harmony ??
i have some golden teacher spores and z strain, somewhere i read that z strain is in fact golden teacher but with better genetics.....

the reason i ask is because, i so far have 6 jars already innoc with GT, doing some z strain tomorrow
and so far my success rate is ............... well fuckin piss poor.......
im following canndos tek.....using popcorn
losing alot of jars along the way.... so far only to wetness ( is the best i can describe it )
the myc will colonize the jar everywhere except certain places i.e against the glass, is it condensation ? a bacteria from the popcorn ( this is what i think it is because i have not got a pc that does 15 psi, im in uk an 15 psi pc comes at a very hefty price tag ), my popcorn is too wet ? ( which i think its a bit hard, im drying it out over night )

anyway, going off topic a tad here,
so, i have some GT innoc jars , will have some z strain tomoz.......... will expect to loose most jars lol
but was wondering if a i have a few of each left, will i be able to case them together ???
because so far, well my first attempt i cased only two pint jars worth together with a depth of maybe inch an half ......... and my first crop ( if you can call it that ) was 45grms lol enough for one
but not enough to share with friends... and the fruits were tiny....
so wanted to obviously case a bigger amount of jars with more depth an area,

could i cheat also if i have only a few jars to case, an use a bulk method to make best use of my few amount of jars
i.e tip a few jars into coir an leave to colonize before adding a casing ????

shit, im confusing myself now so i will leave it at that

all info is always appreciated


Well-Known Member
If you mean, can you spread a variety of different "strains" in the same container and case that? yes, you can. It won't be optimum but it will work. If you are using my method though, they you shouldn't be dumping anything out of the jars.

Now what is going on with that "wet"? is it mucor? does it smell? or can you tell. And, if you don't can't get 15, just run your system longer, if you can get only ten for instance, run it twice as long. The unfortunate thing about my system is that you really do have to bring the pressure up at least a little.


Well-Known Member
You must remember that my method is a replacement for PF, it is not intended for bulk, and people should learn from it, it was never meant to be used over and over again but as a starting place. I have told so many people that PF tec was bad, I had to offer something to replace it.


New Member
sorry i havent wrote it that well.... i couldnt get the wide mouth jars. so i meant i am using popcorn. colonize in jars then transfer to container and case... ive read your tek an also the huge thread .... first lesson with golden teacher

yes i meant dumping to strains in the same container, just as a last resort if it all goes tits up.

this wet, does not smell bad ... in fact when i dumped a load they all stank of mushroom but they just wouldnt colonize every kernel.

in regards to me asking about bulk, i was just trying to say .... if i do lose alot of jars could i tip those few good jars into a container and buff it up with another substrate and let those few
good jars colonize the added substrate ????

think was maddog posted a link about using coir as a added substrate
and the patches just looked wet !!!