Real easy way a lot of us follow and learnt here -
Curing is not needed for dank ass smokabale bud - certainly large scale farmers arent jarring weed up for the cartel like this either.
Simply hang for two weeks in the right place in your house, a well ventillated room or wherever works best. After a week it will seem dry but after two it will be smooth enough to smoke.
Were job done here, sell up and smoke up
Oh yer that all important "wont smoke without it cure". - So the dried smokable bud wants storing because lets face it no one can smoke a whole harveat in a night
So its dry and hopefully lost all the moisture it needed to. Put it in a jar and check its still bone dry in 24 hours, do this a few more days - it should stay dry or at worse need a few more days air drying, take it out and do that if it happens.
So a few days to a week pass and it stays dry no change - you can now leave it for long times safe it wont mold.
But wait dosent the cure impart some magical pixie dank dust onto said bud....? No fuck off this is science - that bud still has a fractional amount of moisture locked in it or it would crumbke to dust. I must point out well below levels mold can use, but enough that some futher degredation of chlorophyll and conversion of whatever chems to whatever will slowly happen. Expect a smoother smoke and maybe a slightly stronger bud - it aint going to make or break the bud - you need well grown bud and well dried going in or you wont get much better out.
Jar wet weed and the equation points to mold - bud takes time to dry and is a skill not something you can learn by merely reading.
Hope that helps and others expand your situation - this is the easy and best way to begin