Ive had 5 of these indicas from clone for about a month, theyre in a homemade pvc tent in a basement that is starting to get a little musty now that spring is rolling around. they're under a 150w hps, 90w ufo led, and 5 cfls, about to start nutrients and their water is PHed at 6.3. I noticed some fungus gnats buzzing around inside the tent and put up sticky tape, dried out the soil, then mixed in hydrogen peroxide in when i did water. I didnt mind anything for a while but i noticed a few gnats in the soil and the leaves gradually curling up really bad and getting a bubbly look to them as well as being dark green, very wide, and now theres some browning on the sides. The more i let them go and hope they just push through whatever it is, it just keeps getting worse so if anyone has any experience with gnat larva damage id love to hear it because i cant find what the damage looks like up top. It could be some environmental cause well seeing as theyre growing in a nasty basement. i checked for mold and fungus and didnt find any, ahh yes and lastly the stems of all the shitty looking fan leaves have purple stems. any help would be great!