Can you dry weed n a food dehydrator to save time?!!?


Active Member
I was wondering if anyone has any knowledge on drying weed with food dehydrators? I have a REALLY good dehydrator, an excalibur, and it has an option for drying herbs!!! should i try it?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone has any knowledge on drying weed with food dehydrators? I have a REALLY good dehydrator, an excalibur, and it has an option for drying herbs!!! should i try it?
It'll work but the bud usually smokes harsher. For the best burn/taste, be patient and do a nice slow dry/cure.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it will taste like ass compared to what it would taste like if you cured it properly. If you want to do it then try it, do it with a small amount and wait for the rest of your stash to dry and cure properly. Then you will see/taste the difference.


Well-Known Member
yes you can it wont taste the best but you can dry a bit to keep you going till the rest is dry and cured properly...:=)


Active Member
yeah, turn it to lowest setting and you will be fine. a bit harsher but will get the job done.