Can you fix a ph flux?


Once's not working. My fan leaves getting near the top bud on three plants look like ph flux from the pictures in the forums. At the same time some look like the start of thrip damage. If it's ph flux. How do you fix such a problem. Don't wanna kill em. Any advice helps.


Any ideas? does flushing them and waiting a few days for results the right idea? Or do they need some kind of nutes now? I'm extremely broke between paychecks and don't know how to test the ph. Is there an at home remedy to neutralize ph? I can buy lime and ph strips later. :peace:


No one?!! Please three of my girls have what has to be ph flucuation. I've moved them to a separate room, flushed, and it's been a couple of days and they are slowly getting worse. Lower growth has pretty much stopped and top fan leaves are slowly withering and turning tannish/grey. It starts as spots and then moves it's way around the leaves. The leaves look just like the ones in the forum for plant problems as the ones with ph flucuation. Do I use lime? Is there any other home remedies? Or am I at a loss? Some posotive feedback would be greatly appreciated. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry but I think no-one has helped you because you havn't provided ANY information on your grow.
"My fan leaves getting near the top bud on three plants look like ph flux from the pictures in the forums" < well we dont know what pictures you've seen therefore we have no idea what your plants look like. Pictures are VITAL. And info like what kind of soil, or is it hydro? how much water do ya give em , temp, humifidty, do you feed them ? what do you feed them? How old are they ? how big are they ?
LOl the only thing we have to go by are pictures YOU saw.


I tried to upload a couple pics of a couple of the bad leaves. Don't know if this will work. Loading pics is a bit confusing. PH flucuation?



Well-Known Member
Your almost certainly going to have to get some sort of Ph tester. We need to know the Ph of the water you give your plant. And we need to know what medium you are using and what fertilizer(if any). How old is it? What size pot? What music do you play for it R&B, Jazz, or Rock? This is all VERY important information.


Your almost certainly going to have to get some sort of Ph tester. We need to know the Ph of the water you give your plant. And we need to know what medium you are using and what fertilizer(if any). How old is it? What size pot? What music do you play for it R&B, Jazz, or Rock? This is all VERY important information.

They're in Black Gold Organic soil. Probably need to go up to at least a 1 gallon pot(Space is limited). I use Alaska fertilizers. These guys have only had a tiny bit of the 5-1-1 and they've had more of the Alaska Morbloom 0-10-10. Although I have leached them since this problem arose. Since I have no ph meter(getting one soon, next pay day) I use PHed water. I fill a really clean 1 gallon milk jug 3/4 of the way(to where the jug starts to curve up) and let the water set for at least 24 hrs. With the lid off the first day. I use a 3 jug rotation so most of the water has been sitting in the jugs for around 2-3 days. Usually the local rock station is what's playing on the radio for em. :confused:


Well-Known Member
Well thank goodness your giving them Rock. And since you are growing organic I definitely want to try to help you. That black gold has a good amount of peat moss in it( I looked it up). Peat moss can make for acid soil conditions. As soon as you can get the Ph of your water, ammend it to 7.0 Ph (use vinegar for Ph- and baking soda for Ph+) Then pour it though your plant and test the Ph of the water that runs out the bottom. The solution to any MJ plant prob starts with knowing the Ph.


Well-Known Member
A trans-plant can offer you a good opportunity to SLOWLY ammend your soil Ph which you can totally do once you know which way you need to go (+ or -) Sudden changes in Ph is NOT GOOD.


What's the cheapest yet most productive ph testing supplies. Can you just buy like strips that are used in pools and that type of stuff. I would love to purchase a nice ph tester, but funds are always tight for me with this lovely economy! Can spend just not alot.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
What's the cheapest yet most productive ph testing supplies. Can you just buy like strips that are used in pools and that type of stuff. I would love to purchase a nice ph tester, but funds are always tight for me with this lovely economy! Can spend just not alot.:leaf:
I got this one. ( choose your own seller) Its great! Its only 20$ Your not going to find a better one for less. I looked long and hard before i got this one and considered many others . Its very easy to use and very accurate. The best 20$ I ever spent.|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1318|301:1|293:1|294:50