Sure, all stupid questions need an answer.
Lights are not illegal, growing pot without a prescription is.
even with a prescription its still very much illegal to grow on the federal level, you know, the ones who come to your door and arrest "legal" growers, the feds..
but for the op, there is nothing illegal about owing a grow light as they aren't marijuana grow lights.. for all they know, you could be growing tomato's with it.. i am atm..
Feds don't come to the door of a person who has a single grow light, be real.
i never said they do.. but your all acting as if a card means that its legal, when we both know its not.. i'm sure we have all heard of the recent busts of all of the legal growers who got busted.. i am just trying to be honest and open to the dude..
no, a grow light isn't going to get you busted in and of itself, but having a card at the same time isn't going to stop anyone from getting busted..