Can you help me figure out what is wrong with my plants? New grower (pics inside) Thank you!


New Member
Hello, I am finally growing my own plants.

But I am facing some problems and I would love some help.

I am assuming that I am feeding them too much and I will need to flush them out.

Thank you for your help in advance.

These plants are around their 2nd week in Veg growing in Mother Earth's Perlite + Coco 70/30 medium.

Age: Into 2nd Week of Veg

Ice Cream Cake (Indica), offspring of Wedding Cake and Gelato #33

Light: Around 53 DLI, as measured using this method:

It was around 45 DLI about a week ago.

Temp: 77-79

Humidity: 50-60

CO2: 1100-1400 since about first week of vegetative.

Nutrients: HGV Superior Plant Nutrition; Growth + Flowering Base (14.5 - 0 - 0) and Growth Formula (3 - 6 - 22). That is all.

PPM: 1550~

Media: Mother Earth's Perlite + Coco 70/30 Mixture

pH (of water going in): 6.2

What I have done so far:

I tested the run off of three plants. The test was done on January 3, but the last feed was on January 1. In order to test it, I pH'd the water at 6.2 and watered these plants until run off. Some of their pictures and details are below.

Healthier looking plant:

In - PPM 220, pH 6.3

Out (runoff) - PPM 810, pH 5.6

Sicklier plant:

In - PPM 220, pH 6.2 - 6.3

Out (runoff) - PPM 780, pH 5.8 - 5.9

Additional details:

December 28: Fed at 1570 PPM in pH 6.2 water.

December 29: CO2 began around 1100

January 1: Fed at 1570 PPM in pH 6.2 water.

January 3 (today), I notice what you see in the pictures.

They were suffering from an aphid infestation at the beginning of vegetative stage, and I sprayed them with an organic spray called GrowSafe. They are gone but I think I sprayed them too much because the flowers were drier than they should be.

The picture at the very bottom of the page is one of the healthiest looking plants (at least to me) in my garden provided for reference.

Thank you guys, have a happy new year



Active Member
I'm a new grower as well and still learning off my first grow, but as far as i understand, your ppm is really high for the stage its at. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I thought for early to late veg it shouldn't be much higher than 300-500 or so. Someone in here has a picture of leaves that have different discolorations to give you an idea of what could be going wrong as far as nutrient burn or deficiencies, but that's my guess if your ppm is 1500+ going in.


Well-Known Member
Don't take my word for it but to me it looks like nute burn. I am just casting my vote before someone answers with certainty. Sorry Fresh I cannot not confirm or deny your claim but certainly sounds plausible. :)
Also a 1st time grower but from what I've researched, I would agree that it looks like nutrient burn. You may want to flush the plants to cut down the nutes


Active Member
Don't know any details about your nutes, but you usually add Cal-Mag when using Coco. Also def too high on PPM.


Well-Known Member
I am not familiar to growing in coco or hempy but it looks like you are treating it like a soil but its basicaly hydro IMo... if I am not wrong you should feed it everyday untill regular runoff which needs to be removed after. But wait for experienced coco growers for better advice I can be wrong.


Well-Known Member
Major lockout.
Feeding too heavily.
Not watering frequently enough

Get some calmag of your choice. Mix up a bunch of water w/calmag @ around 5ml/gal, PH to 5.8-6.0, and run it through your pots until the runoff PPMs get down to 600-800 or so. Immediately follow that with 800-900PPM feed. Continue that feed at least once per day with 20% runoff. Prosper.

All in coco, fed 2x daily @900PPM (lower right plant gets mad past 700PPMs):


Active Member
Major lockout.
Feeding too heavily.
Not watering frequently enough

Get some calmag of your choice. Mix up a bunch of water w/calmag @ around 5ml/gal, PH to 5.8-6.0, and run it through your pots until the runoff PPMs get down to 600-800 or so. Immediately follow that with 800-900PPM feed. Continue that feed at least once per day with 20% runoff. Prosper.

All in coco, fed 2x daily @900PPM (lower right plant gets mad past 700PPMs):
View attachment 4786222
Just for my knowledge, do you want more nutrients for a higher ppm when growing in non soil medium?


Active Member
You're saying 800-900 ppm so im just curious if growing in coco you need a higher ppm because it doesn't retain the same as soil.


Active Member
Almost 3 weeks into flowering for my first grow. It's so stressful when your plants shows signs of problems but like I've seen in this form, it's a plant and if you correct 1 or 2 things it'll just grow normally. :wall:


Well-Known Member
Yeahh I have been, I have to take them out everytime I water to remove run off so I give them a once over to make sure everything looks good.
yeah i spray a little neem oil mixture on the soil and base after every watering had mites once they are a nightmare


Well-Known Member
Yeh ya have been giving massive amounts of feed .
What is the ec or ppm of you tap water first ?
If it's 2-300 ppm then you don't really need the cal/mag just run weak solution through until , me personally would get it down to 600ppm for a couple weeks


Well-Known Member
Hello, I am finally growing my own plants.

But I am facing some problems and I would love some help.

I am assuming that I am feeding them too much and I will need to flush them out.

Thank you for your help in advance.

These plants are around their 2nd week in Veg growing in Mother Earth's Perlite + Coco 70/30 medium.

Age: Into 2nd Week of Veg

Ice Cream Cake (Indica), offspring of Wedding Cake and Gelato #33

Light: Around 53 DLI, as measured using this method:

It was around 45 DLI about a week ago.

Temp: 77-79

Humidity: 50-60

CO2: 1100-1400 since about first week of vegetative.

Nutrients: HGV Superior Plant Nutrition; Growth + Flowering Base (14.5 - 0 - 0) and Growth Formula (3 - 6 - 22). That is all.

PPM: 1550~

Media: Mother Earth's Perlite + Coco 70/30 Mixture

pH (of water going in): 6.2

What I have done so far:

I tested the run off of three plants. The test was done on January 3, but the last feed was on January 1. In order to test it, I pH'd the water at 6.2 and watered these plants until run off. Some of their pictures and details are below.

Healthier looking plant:

In - PPM 220, pH 6.3

Out (runoff) - PPM 810, pH 5.6

Sicklier plant:

In - PPM 220, pH 6.2 - 6.3

Out (runoff) - PPM 780, pH 5.8 - 5.9

Additional details:

December 28: Fed at 1570 PPM in pH 6.2 water.

December 29: CO2 began around 1100

January 1: Fed at 1570 PPM in pH 6.2 water.

January 3 (today), I notice what you see in the pictures.

They were suffering from an aphid infestation at the beginning of vegetative stage, and I sprayed them with an organic spray called GrowSafe. They are gone but I think I sprayed them too much because the flowers were drier than they should be.

The picture at the very bottom of the page is one of the healthiest looking plants (at least to me) in my garden provided for reference.

Thank you guys, have a happy new year
Picture 3 also looks like ya might have something munching on ya leafs