can you help with smell?


Well-Known Member
hi all i have 8 plants on the go, in a grow tent with a 400w lamp and a carbon filter but im still getting alot of smell can any1 help? or know what i can buy? thanks happy days:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
It could be that your carbon needs changed.

You say you have 1 fan in there. I assume you mean a regular fan, and not an inline fan hooked up the filter???


Well-Known Member
it could also be that you dont have enough negative pressure meaning air is seeping out of every crack it can instead of all air going through the carbon filter. I am lucky and have nice attic above grow room and I am dumping the air into attic causing air to be pulled under my closet door into the closet. The only air that gets out is getting dumped and its pulling air into the closet. If you have a fan that is not strong enough or possibly its too strong and pushing the air through the canister too fast. Give some details on how many cfm your fan is pushing or pulling and we can assist further


Well-Known Member
It could be that your carbon needs changed.

You say you have 1 fan in there. I assume you mean a regular fan, and not an inline fan hooked up the filter???
lol good catch man this may not even be inline fan your right


Well-Known Member
Well this is what you should do. There is a standalone carbon filter design somewhere on the forum, im sure somebody has read it.

If you have a local hydro shop I would purchase an ONA. (odor neutralizing agent). Otherwise purchase something from your local target.

But the ONA is the best idea the help. Also, I have an ionic thing outside of my grow closet. To catch any extra odors.

hope I helped a bit


Well-Known Member
hi there i have heared about the inline fans? i belive i have one which sucks air through my carbon filter in these tents should i put the ducting back into the tent from the end of the fan? or should i point it out a window as the air smells fresh that comes out the end? that why i cant understand why im getting much smell as when the fan is on the sides of the tent sucks in so i know its doing its job. thanks