1. while not a requirement to disclose taxes, historically, candidates do as to "be an open book with nothing to hide"..with romneys resistance he drew more attention to himself than he would of had he just done what is done historically.
2.president obama has produced his birth certificate..why would this still be an issue?
No. No one has seen an original BC from the USA for Barry Sweto. But, we have seen that his mother is a US citizen, but, dual with Indonesia.
So, the gray area and quite moot at this point, since he was vetted and served as a US Senator. The issue with his mother's actual status. She may well have formally renounced her US citizenship. So, quite technically he may not have qualified and it may be a gray area, but, too late.
He is the 44th President of the United States. And we are not so stupid as to be a sticker for this. We will not un-ring this bell. And he is a world popular 2 termer and certainly an African since his father was. He has the 14 years+ of formative USA, out in the mid-west which is a main part to me. And he is opposed by normals, and by race viciousness, not since Lincoln in the Presidential choice.
So, that alone make it right to me regardless of the gray area. The Dems ran him, after Chicago knocked out Little Rock.
He won, (and no sqeekers) twice.
He is doing just fine. And I heard he doesn't like the job. It isn't kingly enough, maybe.

He needs to join JayCee and Byonce on tour and I am sure he will. The King of the Pop World is something.
Only a bullet or life's fate can stop him now. He is an Institution already, on par with all US Presidents. He is bored and so am I.