Can you live on minimum wage? (Calculator)

You sell treadmills?
Is that a joke or are you serious?

Buck's wife is a head shrink. One of her school books had a chapter by Steven Pinker. He coined this concept called a treadmill which you then use as a code word, like in the show Dawson's Creek, the kids used the phrase, "wag the dog," to mean masturbation which would then be a double treadmill, since the original term was from the movie about the same topic. Buck is pathetic huh?
3 bucks for crystal here in walmart!

take it up with the BLS.

The Bureau of Lies and Statistics? You mean the ones who say unemployment is getting MUCH better, GDP is growing by leaps and bounds, There is no inflation and everyone makes $45,790 on average??

I am amazed you can even use them as a source, according to them, everything is FUCKING AWESOME, there is NO reason to increase wages, what with prices barely budging at all on things. There is no unemployment, every meal is a feast, every paycheck a fortune.

Do you suppose the BLS uses coupons when it goes grocery shopping?
People buy silver and gold and copper every time they buy an electronic device, Corn comes in so many things as does wheat. What do you mean people don't buy those things? They buy them every day.

Show us commodities there bub, its easy to hide inflation when your the BLS, you get to pick and choose your prices. Where EXACTLY did the price for milk come from? Can't pick and choose the commodities prices though.

there is an insignificant amount of precious metals in the computers and phones people buy, and i never said that people don't buy corn or wheat. i just said that the prices you listed do not reflect the end consumer's price.

so you should probably actually list the consumer price if you want to compare it against the wages they are earning.

or you can keep going on about how all the stats are wrong and you're right and that's that and take your ball and go home after you shit all over the chess board.
The Bureau of Lies and Statistics? You mean the ones who say unemployment is getting MUCH better, GDP is growing by leaps and bounds, There is no inflation and everyone makes $45, 790 on average??

I am amazed you can even use them as a source, according to them, everything is FUCKING AWESOME, there is NO reason to increase wages, what with prices barely budging at all on things. There is no unemployment, every meal is a feast, every paycheck a fortune.

Do you suppose the BLS uses coupons when it goes grocery shopping?

there is an insignificant amount of precious metals in the computers and phones people buy, and i never said that people don't buy corn or wheat. i just said that the prices you listed do not reflect the end consumer's price.

so you should probably actually list the consumer price if you want to compare it against the wages they are earning.

or you can keep going on about how all the stats are wrong and you're right and that's that and take your ball and go home after you shit all over the chess board.

There might be a small amount in each phone, but 400,000,000 of them get sold each year, and that is JUST for phones.

Yeah, the end user prices, as told to you by who? The BLS? Go to the store and see if ANY of the prices they say stuff costs is anywhere near the actual price. If you are stunned at the outright lies in your face, don't say I didn't warn you, but I imagine you know they lie. Huge fat in your face lies that you willingly accept so you don't have to face up to the regime you want to suceed so badly is just a failure like all the others.

Just like you know that increasing the min wage to $1000 an hour will most definitely make the cost of things rise, by a lot. But somehow you think prices are immune to a "little" increase.
There might be a small amount in each phone, but 400,000,000 of them get sold each year, and that is JUST for phones.

but each one of them has so little precious metal in them that it is not even worth it for the consumer to salvage. there are people on this website who have said as much.

Yeah, the end user prices, as told to you by who? The BLS? Go to the store and see if ANY of the prices they say stuff costs is anywhere near the actual price. If you are stunned at the outright lies in your face, don't say I didn't warn you, but I imagine you know they lie. Huge fat in your face lies that you willingly accept so you don't have to face up to the regime you want to suceed so badly is just a failure like all the others.

yawn. just take your ball and go home.

Just like you know that increasing the min wage to $1000 an hour will most definitely make the cost of things rise, by a lot. But somehow you think prices are immune to a "little" increase.

we've done the math, it's here for you to see form just 20 minutes ago.

if wages go up X, the cost of things goes up by Y where Y<X. why is this so hard to accept? there is enough empirical data to prove it, we can even go beyond the BLS if you want to.
if wages go up X, the cost of things goes up by Y where Y<X. why is this so hard to accept? there is enough empirical data to prove it, we can even go beyond the BLS if you want to.

So, the higher the min wage, the less things end up costing eh? SO a Min wage of $100 an hour would be pretty good, but $1,000 an hour would be even better as prices would not be able to rise fast enough and EVERYONE would be richer. Win win for everyone, Buck has it all figured out.

It's because you know it isn't true at all, not even a little bit true.

Not even a smidgen!

God damn how stupid do you have to be?
I already did, waiting on you to come up with the HARD facts, not those hedonically massaged median max min statistical flavors from the B of Lies and Statistics.

you not only went beyond the BLS, you went beyond consumer prices altogether. i'm still waiting on even a single example of a relevant consumer end price that went up more than minimum wage did.

you've seen often enough how the big mac mirrors the BLS stats in terms of its rise in cost versus minimum wage, and we both already know how it's gonna turn out if we compare that as well.

so perhaps you should come up with a single example that proves you right before i even humor you further on this ridiculous false talking point you keep hacking away with.
So, the higher the min wage, the less things end up costing eh? SO a Min wage of $100 an hour would be pretty good, but $1,000 an hour would be even better as prices would not be able to rise fast enough and EVERYONE would be richer. Win win for everyone, Buck has it all figured out.

It's because you know it isn't true at all, not even a little bit true.

Not even a smidgen!

God damn how stupid do you have to be?

i'm still waiting on the first example from you, i have no need for your silly talking points, hyperboles, anecdotes, and uncited supposition.
you not only went beyond the BLS, you went beyond consumer prices altogether. i'm still waiting on even a single example of a consumer end price that went up more than minimum wage did.

you've seen often enough how the big mac mirrors the BLS stats in terms of its rise in cost versus minimum wage, and we both already know how it's gonna turn out if we compare that as well.

so perhaps you should come up with a single example that proves you right before i even humor you further on this ridiculous false talking point you keep hacking away with.

What price does the BLS say a Big Mac is?
why ask them instead of mcdonalds? mcdonalds lets you know what the price is, and people keep track of that price.

i thought you didn't trust the BLS though? hmmmmmmm....

The BLS doesn't keep track of the price of big macs bucky. Do you know what they cost?
The BLS doesn't keep track of the price of big macs bucky. Do you know what they cost?

why are you asking if i know what they cost when it is clear that i do and am happy to use it to prove my point?

and is median wage anything like minimum wage, by the way? just thought i'd ask that question about your unattributed graph.