Can you live on minimum wage? (Calculator)

So how are we innocent rape victims if we choose to remain ignorant to what money is? We have ourselves to blame. It is our job to not get raped. Even if we prostitute ourselves.

You and me (people who understand the fractional reserve bullshit) are not responsible. We cover up, don't get drunk around unsavory people and always have a friend with us. We want to change the shit (stop being raped). The ignorant fucks who perpetuate it are the ones responsible (the girls that wear miniskirts and consume alcohol around people they've just met).. The worst people are the victim blamers (who group us all in together and blame everyone accordingly..)

Perhaps the rape analogy doesn't convey the message properly for some people..

You and me and a small group of people who study history and economics know that fractional reserve banking is inherently flawed. It is bound to fail eventually. Those that don't know about it or don't bother with it (the vast majority of Americans) are responsible for the current economic climate we face. It won't end because the propaganda machine in this country is far too powerful, both right and left.
You and me (people who understand the fractional reserve bullshit) are not responsible. We cover up, don't get drunk around unsavory people and always have a friend with us. We want to change the shit (stop being raped). The ignorant fucks who perpetuate it are the ones responsible (the girls that wear miniskirts and consume alcohol around people they've just met).. The worst people are the victim blamers (who group us all in together and blame everyone accordingly..)

Perhaps the rape analogy doesn't convey the message properly for some people..

You and me and a small group of people who study history and economics know that fractional reserve banking is inherently flawed. It is bound to fail eventually. Those that don't know about it or don't bother with it (the vast majority of Americans) are responsible for the current economic climate we face. It won't end because the propaganda machine in this country is far too powerful, both right and left.

what the fuck is your obsession with rape?

that would make a wonderful sig.

500,000 wage slave jobs eliminated; good. People should not be working for slave wages that can't pay their bills
Yep 500,000 wage slave jobs eliminated, except now instead of getting slave wages they get diddly squat, such an improvement, guess how many bills you can pay with $0 dollars?

I agree, raising the minimum wage is a far cry from solving the inherent problem in using a fractional reserve economic system, but it's a small start that helps the poorest people in the country
Min wage laws don't help the poorest people in the country, they help the people who have the jobs that pay the least. The poorest people in the country are those that don't have a job at all, like the 500,000 people who will lose their job.
You and me and a small group of people who study history and economics know that fractional reserve banking is inherently flawed. It is bound to fail eventually. Those that don't know about it or don't bother with it (the vast majority of Americans) are responsible for the current economic climate we face. It won't end because the propaganda machine in this country is far too powerful, both right and left.

Not a day goes by I don't ask a retailer at time of exchange "do you still take Federal Reserve Notes?"
About half look puzzled.
About half laugh and have some anecdote to add, cause they know whats up.

Funny thing is, about half of us pay taxes, the other half does not.
Coincidence? Pun intended.

We are all equally responsible as voters. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

And running around and advocating what to do with the last bit of elasticity that's left (lol)in the currency seems silly given what you seem to know about it.
Yep 500,000 wage slave jobs eliminated, except now instead of getting slave wages they get diddly squat, such an improvement, guess how many bills you can pay with $0 dollars?
No, they'll likely receive government subsidies (unemployment), which is a fraction of what they were initially being paid.

I agree with you, it'll be less and harder, but I disagree with you in that living paycheck to paycheck is anyway to survive. Enabling them will end and securing something financially stable will take precedence. Those that can't find jobs to support themselves will utilize government assistance until they can (IE until employers decide to pay living wages) (something I'd gladly pay into, much more than already asked).

The issue is, greedy fucks don't want to pay for people, even if it means their survival.

This fuck eats 4 times what he's worth and gets fat, paid for. This skinny fuck can't pay for a decent meal and gets run over, capitalism.

Forgive me if I don't subscribe to that mentality. People spend 4 times what they're worth, fuck them, hungry people can't eat, feed them. THAT'S the mentality I subscribe to, call it Marxism, call it socialism, call it whateverthefuckyouwantism, your way doesn't work and this is proof. You can sit idly by while generations die, I wont.

Min wage laws don't help the poorest people in the country, they help the people who have the jobs that pay the least. The poorest people in the country are those that don't have a job at all, like the 500,000 people who will lose their job.

Like I said, working a job that doesn't pay the bills isn't working a job, it's selling your labor for less than its worth because the state has decided how much you're worth.
No, they'll likely receive government subsidies (unemployment), which is a fraction of what they were initially being paid.
I disagree with you in that living paycheck to paycheck is anyway to survive.

Like I said, working a job that doesn't pay the bills isn't working a job, it's selling your labor for less than its worth because the state has decided how much you're worth.

So the people that work will have to subsidize the new non workers. How is that better?

Nearly 50% of Americans live pay check to pay check.

So the guy who sleeps on the job, is rude to customers and does a poor job, should be paid as well as the guy who stays alert, brings in repeat business and does great work?

Oh and BTW, what way is "my Way" what are you referring to when you say "my way?"

Do you even know what my opinion is?
So the people that work will have to subsidize the new non workers. How is that better?

Yes. It's better because workers will receive a working wage. Paying for those that do not work (through taxes) eliminates wage slave jobs, resulting in new workers being paid what they're actually worth and those workers going on to improve the economy.

Nearly 50% of Americans live pay check to pay check.

So the guy who sleeps on the job, is rude to customers and does a poor job, should be paid as well as the guy who stays alert, brings in repeat business and does great work?

If the guy getting paid to stay alert, bring in repeat business and do great work is getting paid more than a living wage, then absolutely. If not, both jobs should be eliminated and the employer should change his business practices to include working Americans, not just paid slaves.

Oh and BTW, what way is "my Way" what are you referring to when you say "my way?"

Do you even know what my opinion is?

I'm not sure what you're referring to..
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? so, again I ask, what way is "my way"???????????????????????????????????????????????????

Why don't you tell me instead of having me tell you? It seems rather weird to have somebody else tell you your own opinion..

If you stated as much in an earlier post and I criticized it then, forgive me for not having the wherewithal of utilizing legal substances and remaining completely coherent to it
Ripple effects...Bessel Functions.


What mode will the economy show?
What is Young's modulus for a transaction lattice?
Do people use NoNo on their genitals?

Why don't you tell me instead of having me tell you? It seems rather weird to have somebody else tell you your own opinion..

If you stated as much in an earlier post and I criticized it then, forgive me for not having the wherewithal of utilizing legal substances and remaining completely coherent to it

Apparently you MUST know what my opinion is to tell me that it is wrong, so let me ask you one more time. What is my way that doesn't work?
Pad, you even forgot some green font a while ago lol.

More taxes produce a working wage?
You recognize the fed causes poverty?
You would rather be mouth raped than ass raped?
Call it whateverism?
You hate capitilism yet support free markets?
Abandon the kiss method in favor of complicated sophistry knowing the sophistry is bullshit?

Why not just openly discuss the benifits of marxism or whatever the latest arxist "hybrid" is openly as you see them?
Pad has no idea what he wants, all he knows is that Starbucks doesn't pay enough and he has no idea how he has survived this long, its a miracle really since anyone paid a low wage could not possibly survive, yet pad does, AND he has internet.
Apparently you MUST know what my opinion is to tell me that it is wrong, so let me ask you one more time. What is my way that doesn't work?

No, I did know your opinion when you posted it pages back, since then I've forgotten it, but have retained the clear indication that it's wrong. (that's how I compartmentalize unimportant shit, like your opinion on things) If you insist on I know what you posted word for word, I'll be glad to go back and check it tomorrow after work

Pad, you even forgot some green font a while ago lol.

Did you think I was a robot?

More taxes produce a working wage?

Do more taxes produce a working wage? I don't see how as those higher taxes would go to the government to allocate how they see fit

You recognize the fed causes poverty?

Does the Federal Reserve cause poverty? Yes, they increase inflation, raise interest rates and increase debts

You would rather be mouth raped than ass raped?

10 times out of 10 times

Call it whateverism?

Nah, I'd still call it rape..

You hate capitilism yet support free markets?

I don't hate capitalism, I prefer capitalism. I hate crony capitalism, where corporations buy our politicians and our politicians vote according to corporate interests

  • quote_icon.png
    Originally Posted by twostrokenut
    You would rather be mouth raped than ass raped?

    10 times out of 10 times

Hey Pada.
Are you still the Sexual Moderator?
If not.