Can you live on minimum wage? (Calculator)


Well-Known Member
did not see mention of the living wage mechanism or authority.

cant you just explain implimentation without the runaround?
Get money out of politics; place limits on financial contributions from individuals, overturn Citizens United and enact a Constitutional amendment to ensure corporations can't influence American politics in the future


Well-Known Member
Get money out of politics; place limits on financial contributions from individuals, overturn Citizens United and enact a Constitutional amendment to ensure corporations can't influence American politics in the future
after that the market will produce a living wage then?


Well-Known Member
If Mishkin is involved in some grand conspiracy to take over the world,
it is certifiably doomed

But I still like his textbook on Money and Banking.


Well-Known Member
if i had nothing to say, i wouldn't have made a post mocking your lifelong quest to expose the federal reserve conspiracy.
its not a conspiracy...i dont hold that opinion.

title twelve of the us code is not a secret.
its right there for everyone to read with complete links to any and all related legislation and court cases.

why do you think its a conspiracy?


Well-Known Member
After that happens, the disparity between income should go back to being a little more even as they were before the late 1970's. The amendment is to ensure a 3/4 majority is required to overturn the decision
just leave the gubberment with the credit card still though?

so you want free market to set wages...and a guaranteed living wage for all.

how can those two square in your view?