Can you lower air pump output at night?

Hey guys! So anyway, I am currently running 15 liters per minuet of air into my system through 4 larger air stones at all times. My system is a 14 gallon Rubbermaid DWC with 6, 3.75" net pots spread evenly across the lid. So realistically, I imagine that's more then enough air then is needed. I run the system for 16 hours in the dead of night for the sake of no one being around the thing that shouldn't be in those hours. But there is always the constant hum of the rather large air pump 24 hours a day. What I imagine I'd end up doing if it was feasible is running 5 liters per minuet in the off period for the sake of being discrete, the going full bore while the lights are on. I'd probably end up with 2 different air pumps, to save myself from having to manually crank it up each and every day. I envision having them on timers, set opposite to each other. So my question now would be, does anyone see an issue with this plan? And also, is there and easier way to do this that I'm overlooking?

Thanks ahead of time.


New Member
So, the reason you want to lower the air pump output is because of sound?

If that's the case, someone around the hydro boards was recommending pondmaster air pumps for being quiet and cooler...

I have this one... I assume you have the same thing.... it's loud, but I loosely plugged a piece of foam into the intake port and it quieted up a lot. A lot of the noise comes from the intake... at least on mine.

Thank you. I think the foam would be a great idea. I was also contiplating building almost a hut for the air pump, leaving one side open, and lining the interior of it with sound dampening mat, like dynomat or an equivelant. I have the Hydrofarm Active Aqua 6 watt pump


New Member
I've thought about doing something like that.... putting it in a box or something lined with foam. Would prob leave half the top open or something and have the pump suspended through the top inside the box with bungees. Maybe put a small fan blowing into the box.

That and lining the inside of the closet door and surrounding door frame/wall with sound dampening foam.
If this were my grow; I'd opt for noise supression over lowering the output of your pump every time. Cutting back on the oxygen available to your roots just doesn't sound right at all. I checked my grow books and a few of the boards on this question but could find no solid science on it. I do know that roots love plenty of oxygen and react badly without it. Good luck.
I think suppression seems to be by far the most logical thing to do. I thought about the idea of that in between me posting and getting replies. And it made sense then, and makes even more sense. Thanks for all the tips and suggestions guys. It's my first stab at a DWC, and air pump noise wasn't something I factored. But man, that little hum carries.