Can you remmember the 1st time you smoked pot?


Well-Known Member
i think im gonna make a couple and post a thread about them, woodwork is kind of my specialty.


Well-Known Member
one of my freinds made a really nice
wood pipe. it smoked great and acutally
gave it kind of a wood flavor. in a good way.
but the police stole it. :sad:


Well-Known Member
so beaner can i arrange for you to make me pipe??
i took a church pipe making course once and discovered how hard it is to make a great pipe. ide love one thats so long i have to hold it with my feet sitting down to take a hit, for those lazy days at the beach. kind of gandalf style but about 2 feet long.


Well-Known Member
My first time was on my parent's back porch with my best friend. We were freshman in HS, 14 y/o, and I stole my sister's 20 bag and took her slider bong out back and we smoked 4 bowls out of it. We didn't know exactly how to use it, we never slid the slider out.
Nevertheless we were out there for hours smoking those 4 bowls. I really remember it tasting quite differently, now I've just become so accustomed to it. After that night I was down for life, and it spread through my circle of friends like wildfire. I got all of them smokin'. We used to just sit in my basement and smoke a couple bowls of schwag and just be ridiculously high, screaming, laughing, on the floor, all damn night. That was for like the first 6 months. It was fun.

i love you mary jane

Active Member
my first time was when i was 13 i think in the summer,me,my sis's bf and 2 of his friends in my backyard/we smoked out of an aluminum pipe and a homemade bong,i had about 5 hits of the best reggie and i was hooked from there on,i just dont like smoking by myself rlly now,its not as fun when ur with ppl doing it


Active Member
I'm bored, my first time was pretty recent(December '06)

My friends for three years did tell me that they were going to bring weed and salvia, I found out hours later. I trusted those guys so I didnt trip about the drugs. We waited until 2-3 am and smoked. The salvia was shit, 1x?! WTF then we did the weed. It was one of my friend's first time too BTW. me and him kept taking hits after hits after hits since we didnt feel anything, 20 mins later, shit. I couldnt feel any part of my body.

My other first timer friend cooked a big bowl of Mac'n cheese. me and my other friend ate it all, not leaving him any, woops.


Well-Known Member
My first time was smoked with an apple because there was no pipe around. I didn't really get high because there wasn't enough to go around.


Active Member
Alright here we go. My first time was in grade 9, i was thirteen and It was socials class next and i had a faggot as molester teacher who looks at porn during class.( I remember cause i saw) :P. I was with my buddy in the school smoke pit and we smoked this kick ass Williams Lake stuff from the interior in canada.(BC BUD OH YEAH). I got so high i was walking around mimicking the teacher, LOL then i laughed to hard and went to the principals office. And passed out waiting for the Vice Principal.... MAN THAT WAS A KICK ASS TIME......then m rents showed up...not good.LOL there is my first time.
P.S. It was a thin joint too but power full. LOL


Active Member
the first time i smoked i was 10 and after i took a big ass hit i got a boner, and i still do everytime even to date, and im now 16.


Well-Known Member
My first time was Right after working at a fair with my cousin, only to discover she brought a gram of KB with her. That night we both toked up on my back porch with a can-pipe. We spent most of the night reminiscing about the past and how the weed made us feel like kids again. We had bought cakes earlier that day for the munchies, only to discover that they were locked away in a freezer, that was inside a trailer, with a bunch of shit on top of the freezer. So we gave up, ate a watermelon, then 3 sandwiches and called it a night.


Active Member
first post!! long time lurker here but just had to post and share as reading through this thread bought back so many good memories.

all i can remember is people telling me i could not rip this springer, got it all down, did the cough cough, then coughing my lungs out, then tripping hard the rest of the school day.

oh while im sharing first time ate pot, home ec 4 mates in the class, bloodshot eyes, laughing at everyone around us, could not stop laughing, kicked out of class.

never got busted, but now i come to think of it i think most of them were stoners too.


Master of Mayhem
I think my first time was ooooohh about 92-93....Me and my buddy was ridin in his truck tokin up! I remember how bad the cottonmouth was like "Why is my mouth so freakin dry?" AAAAHHHHHH those were the days, I just wish i could get as high now as I did back then:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I think my first time was ooooohh about 92-93....Me and my buddy was ridin in his truck tokin up! I remember how bad the cottonmouth was like "Why is my mouth so freakin dry?" AAAAHHHHHH those were the days, I just wish i could get as high now as I did back then:mrgreen:
I think we build up a tolerance to the herb.
If I have to go a few days without smoking.
It seems like when I do smoke again it's almost as good as when I first started.
As I said when I started this thread I started smoking in 92 so lets see that would be 15 years right hold on (2002-1992= 10 +5 = 15) ok yeah I thought so.

I just mentioned the above because I am going to have to guit for a few days.

I am currently seeking employment and I am am certain to take dt.
I have ordered the whizzinator per Mogie's suggestion.

I used to use quick caps but I can not find them anymore.
I figure If I stop today then If I have to take a dt before I can always use suregel.
I figure the suregel will give a dilute reading and I may or may not have to go back depending on the method of testing. ( suregel + water = a whole lot of piss which in turn is mostly water)

Oh well I hope I can get something quick.
I feel like I will be needing to self medicate here in 2-3 ds.
We have found that if you quit for 4-5 ds and then limit the amount you smoke that it is easier to pass a lab dt.

Oh well if I fail the dt then job just was not meant to be.
As of right now I am finally out of weed.
I usually get more on wed's each week.
I am going to try my best to wait as long as I can.
I doubt it will be very long.


Master of Mayhem
Oh yeah, we definately build a tolerance. The time frame is a little different but when I come home from work and smoke i get alot higher than when I'm chain smokin on the weekend. As for your drug test; I had to take 1 to get this job. What I did was kinda like a homemade Wizzinator though. I gotta say that it worked though!!! I never stop smoking!!!!!Good luck---I hope you pass:joint:


Well-Known Member
the first time i smoked i was 14 and it was out on a trail near my house before they built all these warehouses.. but those were good times not still friends with the people who introduced me to green but made better more realistic ones along the way. :D :D


Well-Known Member
first time i smoked, i was 15, we had scored some green from a buddy of mine for really cheap, it was good mid, we went to the creek behind my house, lit up and had the greatest time of our lives, never forget a day like that.


Well-Known Member
Lol, I behind a restaurant i worked at when i was 17 with some ass hole. we smoked a shitty joint, and it didnt phase me. Like 2 weeks later i smoked again with another coworker and i remember i paced the restaurant at least 20 times (watched the security cam). I would walk to the oven, stand there and go "oh, i remember what it was i wanted" and then walk across to the food cooler and then say "oh ya, what i wanted was by the oven" and they cycle continued for 3 hours. My co worker got fired that day but for some reason i stayed on... Something about my stepdad being friends with the owner.

Anyways, Thus began my journey

For about the first 6 months i would score a quarter here and there and go down to the creek near my house and smoke out of a coke can pipe. I was such a noid pussy back then, I was so scared of being caught. oh the good ol days, now i just smoke right on the sidewalks of nyc with hundreds of people around.


Well-Known Member
the first time i smoked i was 11 and me and my best friend went over to my naibers house he had never smoked b4 we went in his backyard and sat behind an old boat and smoked like 5 bowls i could not stop laufing for like 30 mins i was so stoned

a year or so later i discover the grave i have never been as high as i was that night