can you see any signs of male or feamle?


Well-Known Member
sorry man.... i can't really tell, the only pic close enough to tell is kinda blurry.... are you on a flowering cycle yet?

I feel I have to ask cause so many noobs ask what sex their plants are and they havn't even switched to 12/12 yet, and if they have, it's been like 1-2 days.........

it takes at least a week before you will really know for sure what sex your plant is (after switching to 12/12)


Well-Known Member
i really dont know ive olny grown 5 plants and 2 where last may i grow them inside and outside i try and get some clear pictures


Well-Known Member
wait what?????????????

do you know what your doing??????
check out the FAQ section of the site man....... you will learn a shit load there.


Active Member
hey weedman- i didnt understand what u said but they sure are pretty- the leaves on mine are huge! urs are so small and petite. i do hope you know what ur doing as far as flowering at least. but it doesnt sound like ur too familiar w/the whole process- read on there so much info here-