can you smoke natural growing marijuana?

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Well-Known Member
Ok I've been growing for years and stumbling upon grows even longer , and this doesn't look like either. There hasnt been any care given to these plants and their in the same pastures as cattle. These pics are from a distance because I didn't want to draw attention , I'll try and post better pics when i get them . IMG_2574.jpgIMG_2575.jpgIMG_2572.jpgIMG_2573.jpg


Well-Known Member
I would love to see pics and your right Grumpy about anyone saying they would shoot someone over a personal grow. I guess I mistook "put a gun to there face" as something that could be considered a threat.:?

I guess I hear so much talk of fish hooks and booby traps that I'm slipping off the deep end. I've been burned but yuh gotta maintain yourself. Angry YES but the finest plot of weed out there ain't worth the trouble you can find yourself in by just showing someone your weapon. Just pointing a weapon at someone will get you in more trouble than the dope. :peace:


Well-Known Member
(in president commachos voice)

shit, if you know where a field of 200 plants is, and no one owns the land, I would be willing to try. however I am sure this grow belongs to someone, its only a matter of time until the feds find it. Why does all the outdoor bud from NY taste and smell horrible?
yea unless youve smoked every ones outdoor in NY u cant say that, ppl that harvest bc of a frost are retarded, pot plants are hardy plants and are able to pull through a frost, but not only that but u throw some cotton bed sheets over them before a frost theyll be fine,


Well-Known Member
hmmm i wonder if years ago there was a grow that got raided or mowed over by the farmer or cops and seeds droped or got spread naturally.


Well-Known Member
yea unless youve smoked every ones outdoor in NY u cant say that, ppl that harvest bc of a frost are retarded, pot plants are hardy plants and are able to pull through a frost, but not only that but u throw some cotton bed sheets over them before a frost theyll be fine,
my really grow is in the ground still and will be to near the end of October. The best I've grown was still in the ground when the first snow hit. but alot of people in MY area harvest way to earlier before the hairs begin to turn orange. I'm 99% sure its hemp. I'm gonna try and make hash with some there is some crystal but not a lot. Hopefully when they finish in a few more weeks they'll be more crystals and hash maybe possible


Well-Known Member
I'll tell you what Bigfoot it looks pretty ratty but with that much out there if your hash idea works you just might have sumpin. It would be the balls if you were successful and bubbled up a bit.;-) WTF!!! No guts no glory!!!!

Pot plants are/can be pretty dam tough. I have had them survive more than one frost and be the only thing green in a field of brown.

Ha Ha.. In the 70's I was hitching cross country with a Pal-O-Mine and we spent days trying to get high off of acres of roadside shit weed. I think in hind-sight that it was the GALLONS of cheap Gallo(sp) wine we were drinking with it that did the trick and not the "weed". Could have been the cheap blotter acid too. I'm afraid I left most of my short term memory somewhere out west on that trip.;-):dunce:


Well-Known Member
wonder f this guy knows what a nug is looks like he took a bag to me.Any way looks to me there is a fence and prob on some bodys property i would leave them alone now cause u took well over enough to tell u was there stay away from that shit man if u go back go after halloween if its there take it then u no its no ones


Well-Known Member
since this is yet another thread that is talking about taking or harvesting plants that do not belong to you, I'm closing it.
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