can you smoke shrooms?

how many of you all saying it doesnt work have actually tried it?

i got an ounce of these boomers so i could trip for free and it was kinda shakey and i smoked the shake and yes it tasted like dick but i tripped nuts and ive yet to trip that hard even on LSD,

BUT with that said i did take an 8er then start smoking it but after i smoked it probly 5 minutes later i was watching infomercials tripping balls and laughing manically.

it made me trip, it might make you

Me. I have. Iv tried it when i was younger. thirteen i do believe. didnt work, i broke it up like a nug, cap and stem and me and my friend hit it. didnt work n we got laughed at. i dont remember what another older friend told me but it was something like half the molecule gets to hot and destroyed and the other half isnt heated enough...

true or not i felt nothing but silly
You can smoke them. They taste like shit, and do nothing for you besides give you a gross taste on your lips.

And if you are curious i don't suggest a gravity bong, or parachute.
hey man, hasnt anyone told you, sometimes for the best mush trip... less is better.
ive puked twice, but many times ive had the feeling, but wouldnt. i believe they label this as a sideaffect of food poisoning.
i also believe a trip is always better after the throw up!!!
actually im goning on a trip tonite!!
this is false the reason why people puke is due to the fact that mushrooms are hard to digest. the food poisoning thing is complete bullshit only way you get food poisining from shrooms is if there rotting or no longer good and you can tell. also its not food poisoning that makes you trip its the psilocin in the mushrooms its self psilocybin is not the ingredient that makes your trip thats why if you consume with oj it make you trip harder. due to the fact that the vitamin c and the acids in oj break down psilycybin into psilocin. people think this is a myth but its trial and error
Think for a minute. A decent dose of cubes is an eighth of an ounce. So if it did work, you would have to hold all the smoke from an entire eighth on for as long as you could.

And it won't work anyway.

I tried smoking peyote once. Tasted like burnt popcorn. Kinda nice actually.

It didn't work eithereither.
Smoke no, vaporize, I think so...can't psilocin be based? I've read it's suppose to be lest intense than dmt but longer lasting, never tryd tho and dont really do psycs anymore
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I tried smoking some bottom bag dust while I was high on shrooms once. I do remember I started getting that kaleidoscope vision thing going as I was smoking it and started having a great conversation with a some tall grass, always wondered if it actually worked or I just happened to try it as I was catching the next wave of the trip.

I say you try it, for science of course
Just for the hell of it, i decided to smoke mushrooms in a myth busters attempt at getting down to the bottom of this. I live in Seattle Washington and i picked 36 dry pounds of psilocybe cyanescens this season. I couldn't finish a quarter, it is so absolutely putrid, and according to what's left i smoked 5.7 grams. At first i got a feeling like hitting whipits, but i am certain that was just my brain deprived of oxygen. It passed moments after the first hit. It has been 1 hour and 3 minutes and i am feeling zero effects of the mushies. Conclusion: smoking mushrooms does not get you high. All science aside, the proof is in the putting.