Can you sprout a seed with a 10watt fluorescent light??


Active Member
i was wondering if you could grow up to around three seeds under one 10watt 12 inch fluorescent tube, just until they are ready to transplant under a 400watt hps light. If three is too much, is it strong enough for one seed. And also when should i transplant it???? Thank You


Active Member
ill say it first i guess, yes you can grow but how long are you vegging them for under that light? and if possible get some cfl's. why cant you veg under hps?


Active Member
I was going to start it under a hps straight away but the seeds and sprouts that were under there died. the seeds roots were fine under a fluorescent light but if i straight away put it under the hps the tap root will go thin and the shell won't open up. So some people said it was because i put it under the hps too early. So i was wondering if i could leave it under a 10watt fluorescent light until around 2 of it's leaves show. Would that be possible??? Thanks so far guys.


Well-Known Member
Seeds don't need light to sprout. In fact, its better to germinate in a dark place.
Germinate the seeds in a dark place...

As far as the 10W light... Any bulb would be better, you definately need more light than that, a regular light bulb would be better.

You mentioned killing them under the 400, was the light raised high enough, and is it possible that you over fertilized, or overwatered them?

I would sprout them and veg under the 400 if that was my only option... If you have like 10bucks go buy a 2 tube flourescent shop light.


Well-Known Member
Sorry didn't fully read that... They need little light until you get past the first set... Go get a shop light, or some cfls.


Active Member
yes veg them under the 10watt if thats your only answer.... then when there bigger like 16 days old if there bushy enough and has a couple set of nodes then you can start her on 12/12. but ne other light that has more wattage would be better than that 10 watt for sure no doubt.

good luck


Well-Known Member
You dont need light to sprout, you should just veg under the hps, just make sure it is a couple feet away.


Active Member
This was my indoor set up..Can someone please tell me why my seeds just either died or why my plant after i moved it from under the 10watt fluorescent light to my 400watt hps light just before the veging stage (when it had the two oval leaves) just shribled up and stopped growing. The stem didn't bend at all but. My indoor operation was as follows: I planted it in 1/2 perlite and 1/2 vermiculite under a 400watt hps light hanging 23 inches away from the top of the poting mixture. I have set this up in my garage and it is in a 35 inch box with a fan running with the light to keep it cool...... I really don't know what is wrong with them. Is it because these seeds are grown in cold weather or something like that....please help


Well-Known Member
This was my indoor set up..Can someone please tell me why my seeds just either died or why my plant after i moved it from under the 10watt fluorescent light to my 400watt hps light just before the veging stage (when it had the two oval leaves) just shribled up and stopped growing. The stem didn't bend at all but. My indoor operation was as follows: I planted it in 1/2 perlite and 1/2 vermiculite under a 400watt hps light hanging 23 inches away from the top of the poting mixture. I have set this up in my garage and it is in a 35 inch box with a fan running with the light to keep it cool...... I really don't know what is wrong with them. Is it because these seeds are grown in cold weather or something like that....please help
There are many possible reasons. It's so early it's just a sprout... Do some research on what they need, search germinating/sprouting under FAQ.


Well-Known Member
heyhey, if its any help i germinate my seeds on a plate covered in wet tissue beneath and on top of the seed in a warm dark place for a couple of days then plant them, making sure the light isnt too near the seeds as hps can create a lot of heat. if u place ur hand near the top of the soil where the seeds are planted and its too hot move the light up a notch


Well-Known Member
This was my indoor set up..Can someone please tell me why my seeds just either died or why my plant after i moved it from under the 10watt fluorescent light to my 400watt hps light just before the veging stage (when it had the two oval leaves) just shribled up and stopped growing. The stem didn't bend at all but. My indoor operation was as follows: I planted it in 1/2 perlite and 1/2 vermiculite under a 400watt hps light hanging 23 inches away from the top of the poting mixture. I have set this up in my garage and it is in a 35 inch box with a fan running with the light to keep it cool...... I really don't know what is wrong with them. Is it because these seeds are grown in cold weather or something like that....please help

hi there, as most just wanna throw the odd bit of info i shall try and help.

first of is you say seedling just died up and died, personaly thinking this could be a couple of things, lighting too close and burning plant. not enough water in pot and with the heat in room the soil dried too quick.

ok your box. im not sure how much you know so lets go with basics. you will need inlet out outlet vents. it is no good having a fan in a box if you cannot remove the heat that builds up. have your inlet at a low point and your outlet around a high point. temp reading with lights on will give you an idea on how hot your growbox gets, you can then work on getting the heat exchaged via your ducting and fans.

seeds: they DO NOT need ferts for the first two weeks atleast. they need water. give them a good watering then do NOT water untill the top inch of soil is dry. picking up a wet pot will give you an idea of the weight, after a couple of days feel the weight of pot again you should notice a marked differnce in the wet/dry weights.

Lighting: turn on your light, leave for 5/10 mins too get too working temp. now place your hand under light and move towards, you want too be able too hold your hand under the light, it should be nice and warm, if it is uncomfy and feels very hot your hand (plant will burn) is very hot the lights are too close.

if you could give us more info on your growbox ( venting/ light setup) we could then factor out certain things and work out what is happening too your seeds. but i think it could be your light (400w) is too hot and too close for the seedling. i would also say leave your seedling under a couple of CLF for a good week or two let them build themselves up a little.
