can you tell if these pre flowers are male or female? pic inside!


Active Member
ok so i vegged this baby for bout five weeks, im in my fifth night of 12/12, and preflowers are forming, now i have looked at possibly every chart or reference, i know the males have ball sacks and girls have hairs, but as of now im only seeing one ball, just want your guys experienced opinion on if im lookin at a boy or girl??? please guys fill this up with awnsers lol because im obsessin over my baby lmaobongsmilie:eyesmoke:DSCF0033.jpgDSCF0044.jpgDSCF0051.jpgDSCF0049.jpgDSCF0048.jpgDSCF0036.jpgDSCF0053.jpg


Active Member
sorry cant get my photo editor to save the zoomed in version, but in a couple pics you can see the pre flowers any ways eagerly waitin for your opinions and thx!


Well-Known Member
Looks like all girl to me...... Since you vegged them for so long that's why you're seeing the preflower so soon. Usually you would be waiting another 3-6 days. Still, even though I think its all female I could be wrong and continue to inspect them every day till you are certain that none have banana balls. :)

Welcome to Rollitup


It helps if you check your plants every 6 minutes. (snark) I'm on my second grow and just discovered the largest Sleestack plant I have, which I was planning on keeping indoors, is a guy. It really started shooting up when I flipped it to 12/12. Now I have to KILL IT.

I started 24 seeds, 22 germinated. I have planted 11 outdoors. Of those 1 was dug up another was eaten by a cow, 1 dried out and I can't find one (either bears or elves). I gave 3 to a friend to grow in pots around his pool.

With 3 plants the odds of at least one female is 87.5% (.5x.5x.5=.125) And I have a 95% chance of at least 2 females of those I planted outdoors.


Well-Known Member
looks male... and it is not too early to tell, the alternating nodes indicate it is sexually mature.