Can you tell me if there are any problems with them.20oz hempy


Well-Known Member
LSD1.jpgLSD1.jpgLSD2.jpgLSD2.jpgBLUEGUM1.jpgBLUEGUM1.jpgBLUEGUM2.jpgBLUEGUM2.jpgBLUEGUM3.jpgBLUEGUM3.jpgI would like any input about the plants. I see a little twist to the leaves and a little nute burn or ph not sure which.



Well-Known Member
*Bump* I just want to know what is wrong why the leaf twist and if it nutes or ph




New Member
pics look banging you should check this site out about things too they got loads of growing supplies


Well-Known Member
I am using 1ml of the following GH 3-part, Hygrozme, Bio Root, Cal-Mag and 1 Drop of Superthrive in 1 gal of distilled water. PPM is around 200 ph 5.8-6.1 room temp is 70-78 Rh 40%-60%




Well-Known Member
can anyone take a look and tell what is wrong with them. I know they have some problems but not sure what



Well-Known Member
they don't look 2 bad mate i wouldn't stress.. maybe abit of nute burn all i would do is lower the dose a little and build it up gradually over time


Active Member
Drop your pH to 5.6-5.8 range.

There are a lot of things that determine the rate of transpiration in a some of the specimens you have showed us it is clear that the rate of transpiration was too slow to keep the entire leaf moist. Moving air can cause the edge of your leaves to go dry, also if your newly developed root systems are being damaged by air and light it can reduce your specimen's ability to provide water to the entire plant structure. you may have a mold problem, a pest larva problem or all of the above, it's really hard to know.

Your challenge is to increase the rate of transpiration without over watering the plant. Remember rate of transpiration is directly linked to rate of evaporation at the surface of the leaf. I would try putting covers over the pots to start, limiting light exposure and aeration of the roots. It might be necessary to increase your watering cycle depending upon what temps and humidity levels exists in your grow space.


Active Member
You know after looking at the pictures again I think your issue may actually be with light pruning your roots...look at the rocks they are very white and reflective, no doubt light is making it's way down into those things- definitely cover those up if you can.

This may end up working to your advantage, as the roots might be getting pruned at a certain point, so the plants response to this usually is to "ball up" at the base of the plant... once you take away the pruning element, you get an explosion of roots.


Well-Known Member
i have some panda plastic I will cut and cover them. I have been keeping my lights on 24/7. I will cut it back to 18/6. I water about every other day. When the pots feel light. Do you think that I should increase to everyday.




Well-Known Member
Add more perlite, cover your roots. next time take bigger clones and plant a little deeper and cover entirely with perlite.


Well-Known Member
I did have them covered with perlite but the rockwool was holding to much water so I removed it. That way the rockwool will dry out some and I only water around the edge so that the rockwool is just damp.These plants are from seed

