Can you tell the sex my the general look of the calyx before it has a pistil?


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Can you tell the sex my the general look of the calyx before it has a pistil? I have a plant that had one small white hair that only can barely be seen by the naked eye and the pistil turned red three days after it popped out of the calyx. Its the only sign i can see so far and its been a week since it showed. Is it a female?


not to scare you but if it already retracted, it might have been pollinated. Give it a squeeze. If it is hard it is a dude. hahaha that came out funny...
anyway, yeah looking at it won't tell you much. Though pollinated sacs are fat and have no pistils... you already knew that.


Thanks man but thats the only pot plant I have in my outdoor garden so theres no way it could be pollinated. I figure if theres any kind of hair sticking out of the calyx then it must be a female?


Thanks man but thats the only pot plant I have in my outdoor garden so theres no way it could be pollinated. I figure if theres any kind of hair sticking out of the calyx then it must be a female?
3 things
first, Cannabis can pollinate itself. See: Hermies
second, If you are growing out doors, your plant can very easily be pollinated by wild pollen (from other growers I mean). The shit travels up to 100 miles. Unlikely, but possible.
last, it's probably a girl. so chill =)

Can you post a picture?


Active Member
Thanks man but thats the only pot plant I have in my outdoor garden so theres no way it could be pollinated. I figure if theres any kind of hair sticking out of the calyx then it must be a female?

you may think it's safe but outdoors ... you would not believe how far pollen can travel on wind and bugs .... dont count on it .........


Active Member
Those things are next to where the pistal and balls grow. the balls on all the male plants i had grew right bi them things, so did the pistals or pistels' (you know what i mean lol)


hehehe dude, those aren't calyxes! or pistils =) I forget what those are called, but more or less it's part of the new branch sprout. Not the flower.