Can you use both indoor and outdoor lighting to grow a plant?

New grower quick question will potency, yield and overall quality of bud be affected by using indoor lighting as a supplement to sunlight? I live in an area where sunlight is sporadic and not consistent so I have been using both types of light to get to where I am about two months still vegging away. Is this a big no no or as long as there on a lighting schedule 18/6 and they are doing great, would this hurt them or change the sex? Any feedback would be great. Happy tokin!


Active Member
I dont see how there would be a problem doing this, as I have read many people who have plants outdoors & indoors.
If I am wrong, I would love to hear it!
If it's cloudy they are indoor if it's sunny outside I put them out I keep em outside from sunrise to sunset then throw em inside for a few and all is well as I said didn't know if the combo of different yet similar light spectrums sunlight and indoor would affect anything I do this to ensure they are kept on the 18/6 schedule I haven't had any issues they look and smell great just curious.


Active Member
I was thinking about doin the same thing pulling them out for some summer light just wish I could pull my whole hydro set outside to keep her from drying out...


New Member
You would probaly be surprised at the amount of sunlight that reaches your plant on cloudy days, but no harm in what your doing.
No doubt no doubt I guess I just like the idea of straight light either from the sun or indoor I know what u mean by the clouds same difference when getting a tan while it's cloudy out now will adjusting then a few times throughout the day do anything? Making sure lower level growth is getting as much light.
thats a fast way to get spider mites also its confuse n the plants if they start outside stay out side cuz no matter how much indoor lights u have it will nt match the sun..


Active Member
Well I am testing this theory as we speak, I have always kept my plants inside, though I have excellent sun where I live, but I brought out 2 plants today, 1 is an auto and is the runt of my 3 auto's and 1 is a run ICE strain. Curious as how being out in the sun helps or hurts it.... I am keeping them on my deck so away from other vegetation, but the deck gets about 6 hours of direct sunlight, so going to do this for a few days, with any luck will see some explosions.

I cannot see how giving a plant some true sunlight can hurt it even going back inside to inside lights in any fashion, if anything I would think it would give it a boost, getting a stronger more valid spectrum than any possible inside light can do, even if its just for a couple hours. Would almost be like steroids. We shall see.
Now I'm sure in any climate spider mites I would assume have the potential to thrive as long as they can adapt. Do you know where these little fuckers are the most prominent as I said I live in upstate ny less than an hour from Canada, how worried do u think I should be I inspect my little girls almost daily looking for any signs of problems and just watching their progress. Plus with such crazy weather and flooding this area basically lost a month of summer the month of June was like April for us so summer really started in July but I had them going since may 1st any feedback greatly appreciated about any topic of discussion. Happy growing!!!


Active Member
As mentioned, the danger with moving plants in and out are pests and parasites. Plants will not get stressed with increasing/decreasing the amount of sunlight as long as there is plenty of it. 18/6 is for whimps! MJ can, will and often does grow 24/7. It is a common myth that it needs "sleep", it does not! Give them all the light they can handle. When topping, any new growth that has an intenode below it can be "topped" or "fimmed". I prefer fimming myself as this produces 3 growth heads and not the 2 associated with topping. Facts, not opinion :D W


Well-Known Member
For a couple of months now, I have my plants outside and for 18/6 I give them 1000watt supplemental lighting outdoors in the early morning and when the sun goes down.
I use supplemental lighting only outdoors and my plants are just loving it. I'm sure yours will too!


Well-Known Member
"18/6 is for whimps! MJ can, will and often does grow 24/7. It is a common myth that it needs "sleep", it does not!"

24/7 is okay but as many here have said before, 24/7 will not get you extra yield, just a higher electricity bill.


Well-Known Member
i run 24/7 cuz my timer is on my clone/ seedling box and am to lazy to turn of light in my veg/momy box


Active Member
Spider mites can be found throughout North America and Europe. The two-spotted spider mite prefers hot, dry regions, while the spruce mite and southern red mite prefer cooler climates.

Read more: Facts on Spider Mites |

Now I'm sure in any climate spider mites I would assume have the potential to thrive as long as they can adapt. Do you know where these little fuckers are the most prominent as I said I live in upstate ny less than an hour from Canada, how worried do u think I should be I inspect my little girls almost daily looking for any signs of problems and just watching their progress. Plus with such crazy weather and flooding this area basically lost a month of summer the month of June was like April for us so summer really started in July but I had them going since may 1st any feedback greatly appreciated about any topic of discussion. Happy growing!!!


Well-Known Member
absolutely. i do this all the time when growing later in summer (like i am now) and using a longer light cycle, or for bad days outside when my potted plants are still small. i will typically try and exploit the sun around morning and afternoon, when it isn't too hot or intense.
my one word of warning: don't drop your plant when you're stoned and moving them around - i have shocked a great number of my girls this way XD

So on a different topic what have u heard about or have you ever used h2o2 in the grow process? There is a plethora of information but can't confirm if it would actually benefit the plant. Thanks. EB420


Active Member
The only time I got bugs was when I kept moving my plants indoors and out. Eventually you'll need to flower - and if the plan is to do so'll be bringing the bugs into a perfect environment with no predators. All outside things stay away from my grow room: tools, nutes, containers, shoes - everything.

Just a tip.

So update on progress day 72 of veg getting ready for flower in a couple of days now before the ladies are switched over to flower how soon will they start showing there sex? Already see white hairs protruding out Does this seem early or not?