Can you use multiple nutrients for veg and flower?

Hydro is ridiculously simple
No, it isn't. There are many different types of hydro. Filling a felt pot with coco and using flood and drain is simple. Building a twelve foot by four foot tilted gravel root bed with automatic timers and pumps and pH metering is anything but simple.
Soil actually allows for a great transition into hydro, you learn in soil, then can transition to coco, and from there can explore things like DWC, etc.

A mistake can be corrected quickly but it has to be recognized quickly. Most new growers do not do the research required to understand a hydro grow and how to identify a problem, hence the plant issues sub forum. A couple days without knowing the issue can kill your grow. In soil that can be corrected.

After a person has learned the basics of plant training, proper feeding, required nutrients and proper feeding, pH importance, and checking your TDC while having the benefit of being able to correct any mistake they make in soil, they should have much more success if they do decide to move on to any type of hydro medium.

This is just my opinion and I do feel many others share it, but hey, I do understand your opinion and in a perfect world, all growers would take the time to understand things before venturing into the grow, but that is not reality.
Hydro is ridiculously simple
No, it isn't. There are many different types of hydro. Filling a felt pot with coco and using flood and drain is simple. Building a twelve foot by four foot tilted gravel root bed with automatic timers and pumps and pH metering is anything but simple.
Who or why would anyone build a huge gravel root bed?Is that even hydro?Hydro is simple,bucket, lid,net pot,air stone. and a pump.Make it more complicated then yeah problems.
I have tried pretty much all growing styles on purpose. Dwc, flood tables, hempy, SIPs.

Far more work in hydro. Even in a fully automated room.

Soil, just don't over feed. I haven't used a ec or pH pen in years.

To each his own. Enjoy your chosen method and in the words of a famous philosopher "Be Best"...
Hydro is ridiculously simple
No, it isn't. There are many different types of hydro. Filling a felt pot with coco and using flood and drain is simple. Building a twelve foot by four foot tilted gravel root bed with automatic timers and pumps and pH metering is anything but simple.
What part of AUTOMATIC timer screams hard? It was easy on my first attempt like it was for many others. I modeled someone else's process. I was baffled on why people said it was hard. Who taught you to fear failure? It's like giving the advise "Oh you should work in someone else's business for 5 years before you start your own or read half a website before attempting to get what you want". The guy "failing" at his business or grow learns ten times what the guy stuck in the paralysis of analysis or dipping his toes in learns. Failure is good. It's the feedback attained that others won't get. And most of the time what people tell you is hard turns out to be simple. If I wanted to grow hydro first I'd rather fail at doing what I wanted (hydro) than succeed at something I I didn't want. The lessons would be more valuable than the wasted time on the unintended goal. Failure is awesome. It means your in the arena. Luckily I didn't listen to people who told me it was hard or that I would fail. Accounting class was complicated for me. Hydro was and is simple.
My experience has always been far less work for hydro. Especially dtw. Sure room builds and set up are more time consuming but topping off a res once a week is nothing like watering by hand every day or two.
Yes. If your set up doesn't swing wildly and you keep contamination out of your system. White slime is a beauch to deal with. Air contamination in the grow area can be introduced through air stones in the system.

Honestly I enjoy automated rooms vs bucket carrying. I like hydro but it has more variables. It can be awesome or make you not want to grow anymore.
Yes. If your set up doesn't swing wildly and you keep contamination out of your system. White slime is a beauch to deal with. Air contamination in the grow area can be introduced through air stones in the system.

Honestly I enjoy automated rooms vs bucket carrying. I like hydro but it has more variables. It can be awesome or make you not want to grow anymore.
If your res is cooled or sterile with hypochlorite and your nutes are right (mix A & B the same every time, for me 1.3-1.4 EC) and you ditch the air stones (PH fluctuation) it's pretty streamlined low variability. The nute manufacturer does all the work for you.
See. A new grower hardly ever knows this without research and this is why people say it's hard for someone who just jumps in and has issues from the start, has no clue what's going on.
I did soil and coir my first grow and found coir much easier.

Reason being I was mixing up and measuring everything that went in.

And a big thing was with soil problems take a while to show up so it was way harder to figure out what was causing the problem and then if what I did to fix it was helping.
See. A new grower hardly ever knows this without research and this is why people say it's hard for someone who just jumps in and has issues from the start, has no clue what's going on.
My first kick at rdwc still did better then any soil ive tried and didn't evenr know what ph
I'm doing my first grow and it has been very easy so far. I'm growing in a 70/30 coco perlite mix in a fabric pot. I feed when the container feels light.

Nutes can be as simple as you want to make them. Don't fall for paying $$$ because a company has a good marketing department. I use Masterblend and have been running the same strength since the seed popped and am currently flowering. I even feed my kratky herbs and houseplants the same mix. Something like that, or Jacks 321 (it's pretty much the same as masterblend), or as someone else suggested Maxibloom + epsom salts could be good.