Can you verify my concerns here ? What are my problems? Lots of pics.....


Active Member
Basic info:

Indoor grow with an 8 bulb 4 foot t5 in veg, 3 600w HPS in bloom. Each lamp in bloom has 4 plants under it. All containers are 5 gallon buckets. Got massive amounts of circulating fans and the lamps are all air cooled.
Typical temps in bloom are 67 at night to up to 77 during the day. Veg temps have been pretty steady between 75-80 with an occasional spike up to as high as 83.

Soil is different in these plants. The ones flowering already are just straight Roots Organic Formula 707. The black widows in veg are in a mix of equal parts of Formula 707 and Spagnum peat with Dolomite lime and about 10% additional perlite, as well as some Great White Mycorrhizae/Trichoderma stuff.

Using GH Flora 3 part nutes with the KoolBloom liquid and Floralicious Plus. Gave each plant a dose of Bud Blood the first few days of 12/12. Not using the Kool Bloom Dry.

The first plants will be the White Widow. I am pretty sure these are finishing normally with just a hint of a phosphorus deficiency. You can see the small burn on tips. Has been in bloom for about 8 weeks. Has been fertilized every week and had aggressive bloom last week. Also has had just plain water usually 1 time between fertilization's sometime 2 times if it is really hot and has dried up.


Active Member


Active Member
And this is the last one. Romulan Diesel with yellow is about 4 weeks into bloom was given bloom fertilizer last 2 times it has been fertilized. Has been watered 1-2 times in between fertilization with just plain water. After it was given bloom 2 weeks ago it started to turn yellow. I flushed thoroughly and then gave fresh dose of bloom the following day. Has continued to turn yellow.
I was thinking Nitrogen Def or light burn. I don't know. Do you guys think I should try to add some N when she gets nutes next? The GH Flora series is kindof weak on N once you start the bloom cycle. But then again, it gets very colorful when finished too.


The pictures below these were reposted somehow, but don't confuse them for the Romulan Diesel. They are the Black Widow......



Active Member
If it helps to know I did some runoff tests on these. The single probe meter I have shows them all right around 6.5-7.5

runoff results as follows:
Black widow: 7.0
White widow: 5.5
Romulan Diesel: 5.7

The runoff PPM's on the White Widow were over 2000 so I flushed them hard. They should only get one more dose of the GH ripen formula and then they will start to get flushed.


Active Member
First plant looks burned by heat

Second plant, looks like fungal infection. Looks like the start of LSF ( 5th pic from left, left side of pic- small dot)

Third plant looks like a N def

Just my thoughts.......


Active Member
Well, I went in there today to see the veg room and have another look. I had pulled all the leaves from the Black Widow last night that had the brown and reddish brown spots. Today the problem showed up on leaves that were perfectly fine yesterday. I also saw a very slight hint of powdery mildew on my Kings Kush and Super Lemon Haze plants.

Starting to get frustrated here for real. I said fuck it and sprayed everything with Serenade. Humidity is usually between 35-55 percent.

Please help me figure out what I am doing wrong.........

Is there anybody out there who has used Great White and ran into these types of issues. i am wondering if it was that cause of all this.


Active Member
You have a few different problems there by the looks of it. LSF and fungal infestations can be a nightmare. Get a good fungal spray and spray when your lights are OFF. Your problems are nothing to do with you growing great white, these are generic problems.

Move the first plant away from heat, ie further away from your lamp if its too close. Try putting the back of your hand between the lights and the tops of your plants, if it feels hot on your hand, your girls will feel it burning them as well.

The second plant you will need to get a fungal spray as I just mentioned.

Last plant looks N def, raise your feed a wee bit and see how they get on....


Active Member
You have a few different problems there by the looks of it. LSF and fungal infestations can be a nightmare. Get a good fungal spray and spray when your lights are OFF. Your problems are nothing to do with you growing great white, these are generic problems.

Move the first plant away from heat, ie further away from your lamp if its too close. Try putting the back of your hand between the lights and the tops of your plants, if it feels hot on your hand, your girls will feel it burning them as well.

The second plant you will need to get a fungal spray as I just mentioned.

Last plant looks N def, raise your feed a wee bit and see how they get on....
I kind of thought there might be some confusion there. I am not GROWING great white, I an USING great white........http://

Anyhow, thank you for posting up some thoughts on these problems. On the first plant, (there are two), I did back the light away from them a few inches about a week ago and they havent gotten any worse. They are actually only about 12 days from harvest, got their last dose of nutes tonight and they will only be watered until chop time. I usually do put my hand under the 600w HPS lamps to check the heat, but they didn't seem too hot for me. The lamps are sealed and air cooled, and the A/C unit sways air back and forth across the canopy. Only thing I can think of is that when the thermostat shuts down the A/C, they get a bit warm and dry up some. I dunno. They are looking really good to me and I think they will finish up really nice. Hopefully it was just the radiant heat from the lamp. The Romulan Diesels are at the same level on the canopy as these were. Maybe the White Widow is just more sensitive. Or maybe the RD's are young enough still that they just aren't showing the same least not yet.

On the second plant, (and all other plants in veg with it), I sprayed tonight with Serenade.,default,pd.html

Do you think I should be using something more hardcore? I took the plants out of the room to the bathroom and doused them real good with the Serenade in the bathtub, then lightly shook them off, and put all the plants on towels in the living room with pretty much no light, and under the ceiling fan on low speed for about an hour to let them dry up before going back under the T5. It was really hot in the house tonight. Only room with A/C is the grow room.

On the last one, of which there are actually two, I was thinking about adding a wee bit of N to the normal bloom nutes they are scheduled to get on Saturday. I will probably need to cut back a teeny bit on the P and K for fear of giving them too many nutes. I like to go on the safe side and not get too crazy with the nutes.

I was thinking about just giving one of the two a little more N and then I could compare the two. Maybe I should just give it to both of them though huh?

I know my responses and posts are long and i really do appreciate those who take the time to read through them and try to help me out here. I've only had my hand in this stuff for a few months now.


Well-Known Member
The Romulan diesel is not a N deficiency. It looks more like magnesium or zinc. Don't forget, a N deficiency is going to show up in older growth first, the bottom of the plant, and work it's way up.

Place a couple of galvanized 12d-16d nails into the soil and see if it clears up. Any fert with Potassium will do it as well. If not, it's prob time for a lil CalMag.


Active Member
Thanks for chiming in here Serapis!!

Funny you should mention CalMag. I was thinking about turning a little bit of dolomite lime into the top few inches of soil on those ones since the runoff was so low. That could help if it's a magnesium deficiency correct? If I grind up granular lime into a powder it would be more easily absorbed at a faster rate correct? From what i have read it can help stabalize my pH and it also has magnesium and calcium in it. Just curious if you think it would help. I do already have some on hand.

I forgot that a N def. typically starts working it's way up from the bottom, but geez, I am still such a newbie. I spend so much time in this forum that my head spins and I keep getting confused. I am sure one of these day I will have seen it all.............LOL

I am assuming the nails help supply the zinc if it's needed correct? Any idea how long APPROXIMATELY it takes for the plant to improve introducing the nails to the soil? One week, two weeks? Four weeks?

And I don't understand how any fert with Potassium will do as well, as you suggested. Not doubting you or anything like that, I just don't understand. Would you care to elaborate? I guess I will have to keep reading and searching. Got any good links that go into detail about the nails or how any fert with Potassium will work?

Since I have two Romulan Diesels, maybe I should put nails in one, and Dolomite lime or Cal mag in the other and compare results? i have several clones in veg of this strain still and just moved the big mamma into bloom on Monday, so it would be great if I can really narrow it down and learn as much about what her specific needs are before I get a ton of her growing all at once, you know what I mean?


Active Member
Bump. Still hoping to get some more insight on the Black Widow.
I sprayed it with Seranade a few days ago, and the spots are still showing up.
So I bought some Bonide Copper Fungicide and sprayed it down with that too today.

It looks to be getting a bit better, bu I am still having to pull dead crap off every day.
I am thinking about just cloning the top and hoping to start over with it.

Is there anybody out there who thinks the BW has a nutrint defeciency? The guy at the hydro store thinks that's the problem. I sawthis same lower leaf deterioration on another growers plants yesterday too.