Can you water plants in the ground with a hose?


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I’ve just planted some plants in to the ground, they have been growing a couple of months in pots and I’ve been doing the correct ph levels when watering.

My question is, now they are in the ground, can I just use the hose to flood them with water or do I still need to PH check the water?

Could be. I would be more inclined to test well water, whereas I don't even think about it with city water.
We've had ours tested and it was like 150-200 ppm and the pH ranges from 7.2-7.7. The minerals in it are mostly Ca I'm pretty sure. Some city water is great, but it'll have chlorine in it though. I'm sure your water tastes delicious if you're by Lake Michigan.
I’m not sure about everyone else but if i use high ph water in pro mix or other peat based mixes it always goes bad. Soil likes a ph of 6 to 7 and soiless likes 5.8 to 6.5 roughly. I do see people get away with it but I never have luck just using hose water without adjusting ph. I also have between 150-200 ppm and my ph is around 8. So depending on the soil amendments ( such as organics) you have, you may be fine.
The alkalinity of your water will affect soil pH. If you have a ton of bicarbonates and carbonates in your water it will raise the pH of your soil over time, this is why you add acid to neutralize the carbonates. My pH sits at 8.2 with a ppm of about 120, not enough alkalinity to affect my soil in my experience.
Ahh! It’s just standard city water, I live in Spain . Thanks
Don't know about Spain but here in the U.S. you can ask your city/town's water dept. for a copy of their lab analysis. Should tell you pH, hardness, whether it's chlorinated, etc. Then you can make an informed decision. Chances are you'd be fine--unless it has a bunch of chlorine in it or the pH is way high. If chlorine just put it in a container and let it sit outside for a day or two, the chlorine should offgas and then you can use it.
We've had ours tested and it was like 150-200 ppm and the pH ranges from 7.2-7.7. The minerals in it are mostly Ca I'm pretty sure. Some city water is great, but it'll have chlorine in it though. I'm sure your water tastes delicious if you're by Lake Michigan.
A blessing that I don't even think twice about until I am somewhere else.