Active Member
How is it that Marc Emery is being extrodited???? Our government has basically just told us they could give 2 shits about our civil rights! why because the stupid american government said so!!! what is going on in this country??? i thought it was suppose to be proud and free! how is it that our gov't isn't protecting its own citizen, if he was not breaking the law here( and if he were he would get a fine!!!!! maybe a year in jail) how is it the states can grab him up and have him charged?? and put away for 5 years?it is also funny how not any other seed shop owners in the world have been charged or stolen from their own country. Please call Conservative Justice Minister Rob Nicholson at 905-374-4007 and the Conservative Party HQ at 866-808-8407 to express your feelings about Marc Emery's extradition order
please call and do the right thing as they are your civil rights too!!!
please call and do the right thing as they are your civil rights too!!!