Canabis Legalized In The State Of New York!


Well-Known Member
Weed is basically legal in new york city as you can most of the time walk by cops smoking. You just cant take a rip in front of little kids and stuff. But than again a lot of the time people do.

If caught with bud in the city they usually tell you to empty it out.
lol bull shit dude... when i was in NYC i went outside to the edge of central park, i mixed i little tiny bit of bud in a sig and this dude totaly walked up to me and flashed his badge and was like "HEY I KNOW WHAT THAT IS...(WALKED UP TO ME) you know i could take you in for this... the minimum penalty for posetion in NYC is 3 night's in lockup".

FUCK NYC... i been there like 10 time because of family, that place is over populated dirty as hell and too expencive.

if you walk around for a few hours with a white T-shirt on, it'll be yellow at the end of the day.
lol bull shit dude... when i was in NYC i went outside to the edge of central park, i mixed i little tiny bit of bud in a sig and this dude totaly walked up to me and flashed his badge and was like "HEY I KNOW WHAT THAT IS...(WALKED UP TO ME) you know i could take you in for this... the minimum penalty for posetion in NYC is 3 night's in lockup".

FUCK NYC... i been there like 10 time because of family, that place is over populated dirty as hell and too expencive.

if you walk around for a few hours with a white T-shirt on, it'll be yellow at the end of the day.

Very funny, I think your right about the white shirt too.
Weed is basically legal in new york city as you can most of the time walk by cops smoking. You just cant take a rip in front of little kids and stuff. But than again a lot of the time people do.

If caught with bud in the city they usually tell you to empty it out.

weed is basically legal anywhere because it's easy to get, grow, and smoke. when i was in "high" school i worked at a grocery store and every weekend morning i'd smoke up on my walk to work.