gta seeds in Canada is my place to go...what ever he don't have all you do is prepay and he will get what ever for ya.
He gets most my cash....been buying from him for years.
Peak seed bank has had darkhorse on sale a few times for 50 for 10, wss is 25 for 5, I got a few thug pug packs for 65 through thinktank on ig.
they took decent pics but disappointing product, best is order some, grow them and judge for yourself so you can base your decision/opinions on somthing I suppose as the pics looked sweet. My ig is premiumcannameds, I posted a few pics there
Think I will just stick with closet grows after my last order from CV .Im pretty leary now on paying for anything .
Good luck Brothers and Sisters ...Its a money grab for the most part now .
Seedsman and true north are what I use when neededpeak seed bank was cheap and fast shipping. i just got some slaughter genetics and they were fairly cheap they do got some stuff on there thats abit to pricey for me tho
Seedsman is the only place for me now ... never once had a bad bean in 4000 dollars worth orders .Seedsman and true north are what I use when needed
My advice would be to buy some seeds from Tweed or who ever then throw them in the garbage.......make sure to keep the receipt and fancy packaging. Then go out and buy yourself some real seeds and start those.
Garbage is too good of a place for tweeds shit
Romulan x c99 from Dominion seeds. Just about 6 weeks into flower.
Manitoba broohh that sounds nice! where abouts you from?
ohh that sounds nice! where abouts you from?