Well-Known Member
Right, but unlike tobacco and alcohol, scientists do not know yet how marijuana affects childrens brains in the long term. Which is exactly why there are people saying that home growing will not end up being allowed or it will be delayed for who knows how many years.
To me it's somewhat irrelevant for Canadians. People grow it anyway and any new law restricting or allowing us to grow marijuana is not going to impact our way of life much in either direction. The same people will still keep growing. More people will go through the process of getting a medical license if they don't allow 4 plants. Either way, it won't change our landscape much.
From the available data and my own life experience, I don't think it does too much harm to younger people. People would have noticed by now and seen it in their own lives, too many success stories of younger smokers and good turn outs later in life. Alcohol affects more than brains, it can kill and like tobacco is physically addictive. Also, they don't demonstrate benefits like cannabis or have any medical use. Did you know that nicotine is the most addictive substance known, it's the gold standard by which all other drugs are measured, 100 on the addictivity scale, caffeine is in the 60's I believe and pot comes in at around 45, alcohol in the 80s and opioids are in the high 90's. So, scientifically speaking, Tim's is more addictive than pot and anybody with a daily Tim's habit kinda knows this. They don't call it being a,"slave to the bean" for nothing.
We are dealing with kids though so it's best to err on the side of caution. Though everybody's rights have to be balanced, adults as well as kids. A locked grow room would be reasonable, if kids were present. Older folks wouldn't have many restrictions though, or they'd just go medical. There's a reason people in their thirties quit smoking pot (according to statistics), they have young children around and don't want to negatively impact them, I wish it were the same with alcohol. It might also be the reason they start again, when the kids are past their formative years and health issues kick in as they wind down the clock. Nobody gets outta this life alive and they don't put luggage racks on hearses.
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