Canada’s Leader Offers Antidrug Plan


Sector 5 Moderator
Ron Paul is a Libertarian, not a Republican. He says the only reason he's running on the Republican ticket is because there is no way anyone running on any other ticket can win. It's a franchise with two teams; both suck. I'm absolutely for legalizing pot but look at the bigger picture of what's going on in America; just about the whole world hates us because we stick our nose into peoples business. I don't want to get on a soapbox here but I just want to say there is a lot at stake here and we have a lot bigger fish to fry than legalizing pot. I urge you to check out some vids on Youtube on Ron Paul; he's amazing.


Well-Known Member
yea guys ron paul is a RINO Republican in name only

this guy actually said when hes pres he would eliminate the FBI and CIA

he said this at the republican debates!! lol when the news guy asked him "then how will we defend against forign threats and federal criminals i.e. pedofiles and everything else

he says simply well they aint workin good so i get rid of them. the guy is nuts. he also said in the debates that we should run away and do what osama wants us to do and pull out of the whole region so he can take over.

at that point Rudy Juliani cut everyone off and cuzzed him out in not so many bad words lol:mrgreen:

no pot in the world is gonna make me vote for that inbred physco


Well-Known Member
also ron paul counldnt legalize weed even if he was president, there are too many voters that do not want pot legal man. you cant get the polititions to do shit in a democracy unless you have the votes from the people, and only 45% are for medical, let alone herb for the masses. we need like 10 to 20 more years maybe till we are in our 40's i mean the gen x'ers and y's then maybe


Well-Known Member
And we need someone (no offence to anyone) that speaks clear english, No french speaking leaders please. As well someone that smokes weed, lol. Hey kenneth, you run for Prime Minister, lol.

Sweet Jesus I hate "President" Bush. But seriously, who in the hell does America really have to vote for that will decriminilize MJ? I hope the Clinton's smoke weed. *nods* :hump:


Well-Known Member
Sweet Jesus I hate "President" Bush. But seriously, who in the hell does America really have to vote for that will decriminilize marijuana? I hope the Clinton's smoke weed. *nods* :hump:

I thought everyone called him "mr. Bush" to try to deminish him. well all the liberal media does it, its funny cuz it makes it so obvious that they are bias and not news anchors at all but people who indoctrante you guys.


Active Member
I would, but a piss test could be right around the corner! This fucking sucks. Got a fresh sack, from a fresh harvest, and can't smoke, worrying about a freakin job! This sucks.:cry: