CANADA. Tomorrow history is made.

Where does the local mom and pop shops fit in this age of legalization?
that's the bit that uncertain, but for now (at least in vancouver) they are going to allow them to continue until they have a chance to sort out things

Each province will have different laws as to who can sell and where to smoke.

Manitoba says only in your home....but if the rental company says no smoking then just where do you smoke

In Quebec, the legal drinking age is 18, but they made the pot smoking age 21

So lots of conflicting rules to be worked out...I think it will be months or years before it all settles down
A lot of this will be changed by supreme court rulings within 5 years. Many of the things we find outrageous will be proven unconstitutional. Just a matter of time until the cases are made and then have their day in court.
Native Californian here... I really appreciate the presence of this thread. I am watching you from afar and for all of the right reasons because yours is the first nation-wide implementation of the legalization of cannabis in a country with 37,000,000 people. That's BIG. The biggest in human history, mind you.

Speaking from experience living within our own newfound California state-level recreational legalization with the largest medical cannabis patient base in the U.S., and having witnessed the legalization of several other U.S. states over the last decade, I have observed some things that I feel may be of use to you. We may reside within two different countries but I have seen any number of trends happening here that I wish to share with you in hope that it may help you better understand, from the outside looking-in, what you now hold within your grasp and what limitations it may present.

Within our own infrastructure we now have multiple recreational and medical cannabis legal states. Each state, like your very own Provinces, each have their own State-level run regulatory parties. In our case we are still Federally illegal across the board where cannabis is concerned. Here, Medical patients have the most protections at the State level. Recreational has the least protections.

In your case, and again I am still going to be watching how things are rolling out up there, you have protections at the Federal level to a very "small" degree and let me tell you why. Within our country if you are caught at the State level with 7 plants(recreational), whereas the State limit is (6) plants you are now in federal jurisdiction. You aren't necessarily handed over right away, but let me tell you what's happening because this may very well be sitting at your doorstep.

Federal level involvement means the immediate forfeiture of the property where the cannabis is being grown. State level police are over it. If they find seven or more plants you are socked with an infraction be it misdemeanor or a felony depending on the surrounding circumstances and whatever else is found. What legalization has done for us is allowed Federal and local law enforcement(s) a bigger playing field.

Our existing recreational infrastructure is primarily comprised of the pre-existing, Grandfathered-in Medical patient farms that didn't need to be registered. We were legal under Medical cannabis law and had limitations but it wasn't until legalization that these same parties were required to "register" with the State to continue to be providers.

*What's happening, and this is where you need to pay close attention, is that legalization does NOT mean that it's a free-for-all. It does NOT mean that you can smoke a joint walking down the street. It does NOT mean that you can fill up your backyards, basements and living rooms with plants. There are regulations in place that are NOT as great as you think. Yes it legal. No it isn't Utopia.

All our U.S. Federal Government and DEA have to do is walk into every State level cannabis regulatory office and confiscate the applications and licenses of the offenders.

Within your own Canadian Provinces you need to pay very close attention to what the limits are for cultivation and possession because, and again I am waiting to see what happens in your backyard, because IT's ONE BIG LAND GRAB HERE, folks.

IF you are caught having more than (6) plants in California are you are NOT a registered Medical patient, you forfeit your property if caught by the Feds.

IF you are in possession of anything over an ounce in your car, you forfeit your car.

IF you ARE a Medical Patient and have more than is allowed by law and are NOT registered with the State, you forfeit your property if/when caught by the Feds.

Cases like those mentioned above that land outside of current California State regulations doesn't necessarily put your case in the hands of the Federal Government. However, there is a very clear trend happening that is NOT coming through any news outlet and it's that the Fed's and the DEA are indeed going through State level regulatory offices and are indeed requesting the data and are actively investigating. They are hitting State level law enforcement agencies who have no choice but to hand over the cases that are Federal material. We are midst the biggest land-grab in United States history and if your name is attached in any way to the cannabis industry, under the Patriot Act, you forfeit.

If people don't realize this they aren't looking far enough ahead.

If I had something to say to the people of Canada... it would be to stay low and stay quiet. Wait and watch how it unfolds. Stay within regulation because all legalization does is gives the Federal Government the ability to take down any local "steamers" in any local city or Province.
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Boohoo, so you can't smoke weed, they didn't say anything about vaping it. Which is how I do it these days. Lol, I sit and fix conservative farmers' PC's while toking on my Tera without them even noticing it is weed I'm hitting in their offices while talking to them.
Boohoo, so you can't smoke weed, they didn't say anything about vaping it. Which is how I do it these days. Lol, I sit and fix conservative farmers' PC's while toking on my Tera without them even noticing it is weed I'm hitting in their offices while talking to them.
Unfortunately vapes were ruled a form of smoking in our country this year under the clean air act.

Edit* Actually that's only Ontario sorry for the confusion.
Yeah, but like if you smoke weed, people can smell it. If you vape it... well lets just put it this way, a fart smells more.
Yeah, but like if you smoke weed, people can smell it. If you vape it... well lets just put it this way, a fart smells more.
I haven't combusted in over 2 years (except for occasional backwoods when visiting old friends)
I have an Airizer extreme Q rigged to my bong and agree that the smell is far less noticeable. The high is far cleaner and I never get burnt out either.
How do you like your Boundless Tera? I'm looking for a portable.
It is a little beast, well, not little but yeah. It is a powerhouse.

I kinda am curious about the new Vivant unit too.. their older stuff was sketchy in terms of reliability. I see they are now an advertiser here... I'd love to start doing weed vape reviews.
I’m so happy that Canada has legalized it. Time will set the things that will be right with the laws. I am most proud that fellow Canadians now have easy access to a plant that will make their lives more comfortable. Way to go Canada!!!
i'm from the states, but temporarily lived in VC at one point- that was before the US dominated, and Canadian weed was the best around. now that it is being more embraced, i'm super excited as to what will come- I think Canada can take things to a new level, (if they want to...) and i'm really looking forward to what you all put out!