Canada will legalize pot, after arresting a bunch of people for pot offences first: Neil Macdonald

No. That's not what I did at all, and you can clearly see it in the first line of the post. For clarity I was calling someone a child because they are unwilling to discuss things and basically comment "well you're wrong Neener".

This isn't about Meds. This is about rec. Med patients don't have retarded plant limits or height restrictions.

Edit: we all benefit from discussion if there isn't going to be any then there's absolutely no benefit... so then what's the point?
Umm I got some HUGE NEWS FOR YOU...(: not yelling lol

how friggin stupid do you think people areo_O ..
yer seem very foolish

its funny that people cant see that any cop can use pot for a reason to go off and all out to arrest your sorry ass and theres nothing for a sick person to stand on with what they are being lead to believe with this enforcement
popos know its to screw sick people because they cant deal with MMAR
ppphhhttt foolish government will force the hand s of the sick once again
cheers watch and learn
Umm I got some HUGE NEWS FOR YOU...(: not yelling lol

how friggin stupid do you think people areo_O ..
yer seem very foolish

its funny that people cant see that any cop can use pot for a reason to go off and all out to arrest your sorry ass and theres nothing for a sick person to stand on with what they are being lead to believe with this enforcement
popos know its to screw sick people because they cant deal with MMAR
ppphhhttt foolish government will force the hand s of the sick once again
cheers watch and learn
see this is where I have faith in either them smartening up and realizing this shit won't fly, or our courts dealing with it quickly. This shit is illegal...
Irish Jew..

Mr. O’Leary said he supports legalization with strict regulations regarding impaired driving. He said that includes any proposals brought forward by Mothers Against Drunk Driving, such as zero-tolerance for THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, the substance that gives marijuana its intoxicating effect, for Canadians under 21 years old. He also supports giving police the ability to use roadside saliva testing to detect drug-impaired drivers.
Irish Jew..

Mr. O’Leary said he supports legalization with strict regulations regarding impaired driving. He said that includes any proposals brought forward by Mothers Against Drunk Driving, such as zero-tolerance for THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, the substance that gives marijuana its intoxicating effect, for Canadians under 21 years old. He also supports giving police the ability to use roadside saliva testing to detect drug-impaired drivers.
Hopefully full these old thinkers die an early and painful death. This guys think madd has anything useful to say...idiot following idiots.
or our courts dealing with it quickly.

Courts are anything but quick. Assuming the legislation is enacted on July 1st 2018, the earliest a challenge can be filed is July 2nd, and it will take years, if not a decade (or longer) to fix this bill, and even though you are rolling the dice on what happens in the courts.

It is possible, believe it or not, to realize that legislation actually being finally tabled and other things are a step forward and the draconian measures along with the opposite of evidence-based policy are not things to celebrate (and doing so doesn't make you a drug dealer, either).
Courts are anything but quick. Assuming the legislation is enacted on July 1st 2018, the earliest a challenge can be filed is July 2nd, and it will take years, if not a decade (or longer) to fix this bill, and even though you are rolling the dice on what happens in the courts.

It is possible, believe it or not, to realize that legislation actually being finally tabled and other things are a step forward and the draconian measures along with the opposite of evidence-based policy are not things to celebrate (and doing so doesn't make you a drug dealer, either).

I think what I said about selling is being taken out of context, or maybe it was my fault for phrasing it poorly. I don't want people to go to jail. I don't hate people that sell weed, I buy weed lol. The system they are setting up has it's failings, those will be evident in time. We've waited this long, waiting a bit more is ok as long as we're showing signs of progress. We're making quiet a few steps forward.

This whole stop and breathalyzer with no evidence is them admitting they can't tell when people are driving high, it's going to be "ooh look a hippy lets get em". There's no publicly acceptable limit of intoxication without that courts can't uphold this law, even with bullshit "zero tolerance". They have to prove you're intoxicated.

They can't stop and frisk, this is the driving equivalent of stop and frisk. This will never stand. A hack half drunk lawyer with his tie on backwards could beat this shit in 5 minutes. They have to set some level of intoxication and prove their testing procedure is within an acceptable accuracy range. As far as we know there's no way of doing this right? They say they have some test... but how accurate is it? Then there's CBD strains which have very little THC in them at all are these going to get picked up? Because there's an out. "I wasn't high, I smoked a CBD strain." Or are they going to try and say that intoxicates people with no medical/scientific backing?