Canadain Growers Club


Active Member
Hardroc ,
This is only my second grow but I have 2 folks who have been helping me a bunch... I did an immense amount of research before I started and I have been keeping very good notes... that and the helpful peoples made everything much easier and I learned a bunch from them... lest I seem to clutched in... you should have seen my first cloning attempt... major fuck up....:confused:


New Member
Hardroc ,
This is only my second grow but I have 2 folks who have been helping me a bunch... I did an immense amount of research before I started and I have been keeping very good notes... that and the helpful peoples made everything much easier and I learned a bunch from them... lest I seem to clutched in... you should have seen my first cloning attempt... major fuck up....:confused:
Sweet, looks pretty good for 2nd grow.
I was lucky with my first cloning attempt, had 100% rooting rate, the last 2 times I got 20-30%


New Member
Now that mom is just vibrant and sexy as hell... what her babies smoke like?
well actually I'm not really sure, I got 10 clones of them and kept one as mother (the one in the pic) but I had to chop 'em around the 4th or 5th week of flowering. Some kids jacked a car and ran through my yard, so the cops and dogs were all around my house, I though I was getting raided, but, I went out and asked them what they were doing and they told me about the kids. the dogs were going nuts at the back of the house, and my growroom's window was open with a fan blowing out air, and there is only a 2 foot pathway between my house and thorn bushes, so I knew they smelt it, they had to have. So I chopped them. If you want picks of them, check out my profile and go to my album. I did smoke them, but it could have been alot better, and I also quick dryed it too. This time I'm gonna find out though. My other 2 grows were from seed, I just kept this one around, but she's been quite abused, at a couple points in time she was under indecident light lol, ran outta room in the closets and had no more money for anymore cfl's. But she came around, that just showes you how resiliant these plants really are.


Active Member
Anyone got any updates on their grows? Or anything to discuss or questions?

yo yo everybodies trying to recover and get ready for newyears hahaha!
well i started with the blackstrap molasses 2 days ago, i think theres an improvement, the new growth looks a little darker green ... and the leaves seem to be thickening up again, its now day 22 of 12/12, i will post pics in a few more days when i see some nicer trich production.

i seperated off the bottom half of my cab and put a 105watt CFL (6500k) providing approx 7000 lumens for my clones,
my indian skunk soon to be mother (fingers crossed its a fem.!) will soon be under two 105w cfls, 6500 and 5000 k,

do you think that approx 15000 lumens for a 2 square foot area with one mother will be enuff???:shock::weed:
happy smoking happy new years canadians


New Member
you could always have more light but it will work, man I had I my mother under indecident bulb for a few weeks, just made the leafs turn a pretty shitty lime color, so think you'll be safe.
And happy new year's to everyone if I don't see you on here tomorow


Well-Known Member
orig from ont, went to bc, started growing there, now in the Centre of this buetifull country of ours and been growin for years here too...

Always used to grow soil, but took a major chance this past year and went Aerophonic, and i Luv it!

And oh ya, a really good place to get seeds from is, gotten many strains from them and very happy with the strains and delivery...

ps... i just updated my journal...


New Member
orig from ont, went to bc, started growing there, now in the Centre of this buetifull country of ours and been growin for years here too...

Always used to grow soil, but took a major chance this past year and went Aerophonic, and i Luv it!

And oh ya, a really good place to get seeds from is, gotten many strains from them and very happy with the strains and delivery...

ps... i just updated my journal...
Right on man thanks for the heads up on the will check this out, also your journal.
Keep it green man


New Member
Ok............I went into my grow room today and what a fucking stink!!!!!! It smells like old rotten feet, or really old cheese. My girls are just over a week into flower. So I go and start smelling my girls and it's only comming from 1 plant, 4 of my girls are from bagseed and I have the mom, I'm wondering if I got some kinda Cheese strain, from my bag seed. Does anyone know how to tell if it's a Cheese any other way than the smell? I don't know of any way to tell apart strains other than at looking at finished product.


New Member
Maybe it is bad and you shouldn't smoke its harvest, after cured:wall: you could give it to me?:weed:
ahahahahaha, all I'm saying is that it better be good for the damn stink, I hope it really is cheese, I think I'm gonna have to take a clone......just in case........
I'll have to give it to a buddy to grow or something, cause the ol' lady don't like the smell at all....she says if the smell comes out of the room and into the hallway, I gotta get rid of it.