Canadian education reform

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Well-Known Member
There's a real problem we need to address. Far too many Canadians can't grasp basic punctuation. Have a look through the forum here and see how much nonsensical garbage is strewn about. I, for one, have had enough!

Something must be done. It's a travesty that so many grown ass adults are forced to convey themselves online like mentally challenged imbeciles due to their incomprehension of the Oxford comma. In a first world country, this should be a mark of national shame. A black eye on the education system. Not to mention, the disparity between those who can articulate themselves above the level of a second grader with cranial trauma and those who passed grade three language arts.
I look forward to your well thought out, intelligent response.
There's a real problem we need to address. Far too many Canadians can't grasp basic punctuation. Have a look through the forum here and see how much nonsensical garbage is strewn about. I, for one, have had enough!

Something must be done. It's a travesty that so many grown ass adults are forced to convey themselves online like mentally challenged imbeciles due to their incomprehension of the Oxford comma. In a first world country, this should be a mark of national shame. A black eye on the education system. Not to mention, the disparity between those who can articulate themselves above the level of a second grader with cranial trauma and those who passed grade three language arts.
I look forward to your well thought out, intelligent response.

Whaaaaaaaa whaaaaaaa I came here and I was told to GTFO. Whaaaaaa edumecation....
some of us use a writing style that requires the reader to fill in some of the obvious stuff......
thus the use of the period.....
condensed writing makes this and other boards easily readable.... and if the intended reader is sorta in the loop or up on their subject matter
then not having to write out in full sentence structure just saves everybody time whilst getting the point across
Leave it to you to use the old punctuation line.....take a hike.....which will also save us a bunch of time responding to you.
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