canadian head shops?

this is hilarious, iv been to everyplace mentioned here(town not headshop)
as for ottawa im not sure about the orleans headshop(never been to it)
on Rideau st. there is Highways(attatched to a tatoo studio)->btw there cashier is one of the cutest girls ive ever met(she's sexy!,but really cute. i thnk its her smile) accross the street from there is rockjunction->owners arereet dicks but they have everything you would need(exept the weed) thats up the st. @mccdonalds(the people outfront not the employee's) i woudlnt recoment buying off any of them though .6 of schwagg for $10....there's certain people who will sel the right amount and have good shit downtown ottawa,usually the streetyouth are easier to find. if your looking in the OTT goto the roof of the rideau center.plenty of people burn up there!(maybe even me) if it's summer especially.+majors hill park always has people .
for ottawa headhshops your best going to crosstown traffic(bank st.) #1 store imo. and #2 smokesignals one on rideau and the other i cant recall right now. crosstown->on Bank st.-613
they sell seeds,havent bought myself but a good friend has good results from them for 3 or 4 years now.he replaces his 2 mothers(diff strains)once a year. He grows 85% persi and 15% friends and family.cant wait till xmas