Canadian Kindness


Well-Known Member
how are penalties for growing and or selling weed in canada? in the US u can get anything from probation to life in prison. im jus looking for a contrast of the legal system.

this is a can of worms im opening


Active Member
got caught with 1/2 oz. a little less than 1000$ in court fines and a criminal record. this is in montreal.
they preety much treat anything under 30g lightly i guess. for instance, when you get arrested for certain things here, you get arrested, and they let you go with a promise to appear in court. before your court date, you get a letter in the mail saying you gave to go down to the cop shop for "identification". this is ware they take your fingerprints and pics and stuff. if your caught with less than 30g, you dont have to appear for identification.


Active Member
(Canada) When i got busted with a half ounce they put me in cuffs for a few minutes then they let me go and just took my bong and chron never heard any thing about it again lucky i guess


Well-Known Member
crap there harsh out there.ere in the uk u get a slap on the wrist unless your mas cultavating it lol. no one does that do that er lol ok


Well-Known Member
i don't really see how one can mass cultivate in the UK. i was under the impression that the whole country is pretty heavily populated.


New Member
It depends what you term as mass cultivate. Parts of my country are densely populated, parts are not. The Vietnamese are experts in mass cultivation. A house done recently (a residential house in the middle of my City) had over 60 overhead lights. Every room of the house, bar the living room, had been used for growing. I'd call 60 overhead lights mass cultivation. Also, Wales is a very good place to open up a farm.

The trouble with mass cultivation in my country is that you have to move regularly, if you don't you WILL get caught.

sky high stoner

Active Member
I live in ontario and I recently got busted for almost 1/2 oz they hand cuffed me gave me a bunch of fines and took my shit, they tried saying I was a dealer, I WASENT HAVING THAT. BUT THE FUCKED UP THING ( NOT BAD) is they charge me take me to court but they pay for me to fight the case. the cops were assholes. but they didme a favour by smoking half my stash. and throughing out my digital scale so basicaly im just fighting a criminal record so i can still go to the U.S. Canada is a great place to toke