Canadian liberals to LEGALIZE MJ?


Well-Known Member
Too bad that only 77 people voted for them last election and now King Stephan wants us in jail for 6 plants. How can 2 parties be so far apart in their ideologies? Well i guess Ron Paul is a good example of that. Heres hoping the folks in the Senate have more brains than Harper. Man I hope I live to see the day our plant and people are free!!


Well-Known Member
Too bad that only 77 people voted for them last election and now King Stephan wants us in jail for 6 plants.
Kinda makes you wonder what politicians WON'T do to get votes..... but in the end I am for it. Hopefully we will be able to grow our own like tobacco or home brew.


Well-Known Member
I really dislike Stephen Harper. He doesn't listen to anything the people want, only what he thinks is right for the big business'. I could do a better job running for PM. Offtopic, YAY LIBERALS! :D