Canadian Province Lays Out Harsh Penalties For Illegal Weed Sales


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ROTFLMFAO..:lol::hump:(: stuffs just funny shit..


A Canadian province lays out harsh penalties for illegal weed sales to get ready for the impending federal legalization of cannabis.

Not all weed will be legal in Canada by the end of this summer. As the federal government gives provinces the green light to implement local marijuana regulation, this Canadian province lays out harsh penalties for illegal weed sales, impaired driving, selling to the underaged, and where you can smoke. Following legalization, Nova Scotia will be cracking down on weed.

A Brief Overview of Canadian Legalization
Last year, Canadian officials introduced legislation that would legalize marijuana by summer 2018. Though this projection was a little optimistic, it looks like the Canadian Parliament will cast the final vote in early July.

This means that by September, the sale, cultivation and use of recreational marijuana will be legal everywhere. Canadians over 18 years old can have up to 30 grams of cannabis, grow a maximum of four marijuana plants and buy marijuana from licensed stores.

However, national legislation (Bill C-45) does not specify who will have cannabis licenses, where it can be sold, where you can smoke it or how the police will enforce it. The provinces are left to determine these regulations.

Nova Scotia’s Cannabis Control Act
Nova Scotia’s Justice Minister Mark Furey proposed the Cannabis Control Act on Tuesday. If passed, this legislation will have some serious consequences for people who use or sell marijuana.

The Cannabis Control Act includes measures that address driving under the influence, selling marijuana (especially to the underaged) and smoking in rented properties.

Driving Under the Influence
Under this Cannabis Control Act, neither the driver nor passengers can smoke marijuana in a car. The minimum fine for doing so is $1,000 but can go as high as $2,000. The police will suspend the driver’s license for a year for the first offense.

The consequences for the second offense are even more extreme. If caught driving under the influence in Nova Scotia, a second offender is looking at a minimum of thirty days in jail and over a year with a suspended license.

Whether or not to charge someone with driving under the influence is at the police’s discretion. Per the Cannabis Control Act, the Nova Scotia police can test your saliva or blood. They can also suspend someone’s license for weeks at a time.

The only legal way to transport weed in a car will be in a sealed container. These laws will also apply to other motorized vehicles.

Justice Minister Furey told CBC News, “Let me be clear, driving while high is not only dangerous, it is a crime and the legislation provides strong sanctions for those who drive while impaired.”

Only The Nova Scotia Liquor Corp. Can Sell Weed
Not only are the driving regulations intense, but Canadian province lays out harsh penalties for illegal weed sales. As is the case in Quebec, the provincial government will have a monopoly on weed sales. To ensure this remains the case, the Cannabis Control Act has some harsh penalties for those selling weed illegally.

Stores caught selling weed will face fines ranging from a $10,000 minimum to $25,000. Individuals selling weed are fined $10,000. Buying cannabis from an illegal retailer earns a maximum of $250 fine.

Furey justifies that these policies aren’t that different from what’s currently in place. “Dispensaries are illegal presently, dispensaries will be illegal once legislation is rolled out,” he explains.

Fines For Selling Weed to the Underaged
Justice Minister Furey told the press, “Our main priority has been the health and safety of Nova Scotians, especially children and youth.” This seems to be true as the Cannabis Control Act includes some hefty fines for selling weed to people under 19.

Per Nova Scotia law, only people aged 19 and up will be allowed to purchase weed. This is in line with the drinking age in Nova Scotia. The legal age for cannabis and alcohol in Canada ranges from 18 to 19 depending on the province.

The fine for selling to someone under 19 can be up to $10,000. For people under 19, the fine for marijuana possession is $150. Additionally, the police will issue fines to anyone selling drug accoutrements–rolling papers, bongs…–to the underage.

Enforcing These Policies Will Require More Resources
Even Furey admits that the Cannabis Control Act as it is today will require more police work. “We may see a spike in [enforcement],” Furey told CBC News.

Nova Scotia isn’t the only province having to pay for enforcing strict legalization laws. Ontario recently pledged $40 million dollars to fund law enforcement agencies ahead of legalization. Though legalization is supposed to diminish police spending, this hasn’t always been true in practice.

Final Hit: Canadian Province Lays Out Harsh Penalties For Illegal Weed Sales
As this Canadian province lays out harsh penalties for illegal weed sales, driving while high and selling to the underage, everyone is looking to see how Canada implements, and enforces, marijuana legalization.

Some organizations, such as Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), are in favor of Nova Scotia’s new policies. MADD CEO Andrew Murie puts forth, “What we do for alcohol, we should be doing for cannabis. Impairment by drugs by alcohol or a combination is the same.”

Though cannabis and alcohol will be equally legal under Canadian law, cannabis is facing harsher legislation. For instance, the Cannabis Control Act will also permit landlords to ban smoking weed. Public places will also bar marijuana consumption.

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I so HOPE we uniformly fuck these people in charge so hard up their asses they bleed forever.
I hate every last one of these controlling pieces of human garbage
Sadly, it seems I won't be doing much travelling in Canada either...

MADD has a CEO??
Though cannabis and alcohol will be equally legal under Canadian law, cannabis is facing harsher legislation. For instance, the Cannabis Control Act will also permit landlords to ban smoking weed. Public places will also bar marijuana consumption.
...going make it as difficult as possible for people to use....going be a lot of law enforcement for all the peeps smoking on the street.....
Sadly, it seems I won't be doing much travelling in Canada either...

MADD has a CEO??

...going make it as difficult as possible for people to use....going be a lot of law enforcement for all the peeps smoking on the street.....
They sure do and you should see the HUGE money they pay themselves....fuck madd and everyone who works or has anything to do with them.....fuck em with the jagged stick.
Nothing but a buncha liars and con artists.
What a mess.
It appears they’re allocating a good portion of the taxes to “encorcement”. Just what this country needs to be spending our tax dollars on.
What a mess.
It appears they’re allocating a good portion of the taxes to “encorcement”. Just what this country needs to be spending our tax dollars on.
do you drive Odd? because if you do..once legalization happens..
No more driving for you!(:
do you drive Odd? because if you do..once legalization happens..
No more driving for you!(:

I drive.
But I would never, ever, ever drive under the incredibly overwhelming and dangerous impact of cannabinoids.
I drive.
But I would never, ever, ever drive under the incredibly overwhelming and dangerous impact of cannabinoids.
huh ??? :-? :confused: and what would that be exactly?

this otta be good for a laugh (:.

when has it ever been dangerous to have THC in your system while driving ,,, Oh so sure of themselves,,,, ? ;)

splain yer crazy rudderic t Oddone.......dont just spout off about trivial things from old prohibitionist ways!

ya gots to be smarter than that
huh ??? :-? :confused: and what would that be exactly?

this otta be good for a laugh (:.

when has it ever been dangerous to have THC in your system while driving ,,, Oh so sure of themselves,,,, ? ;)

splain yer crazy rudderic t Oddone.......dont just spout off about trivial things from old prohibitionist ways!

ya gots to be smarter than that

It was a joke.
I rarely drive sober - too frustrating.
I spoke to a few officers on this subject.
They all said the same thing: they use cognitive tests to determine if you are impaired. They test things like your ability to gauge the passing of time and how quickly you can answer questions and retain information they give you. Interesting tests, but I don’t see them ever being able to prove impairment that isn’t present.
how long have you lived in Cannada?
Had any run ins with the law before? :?

someone said it best..
they've got a sniff test to say what ever they wish and a whole line of other tests to destroy your entire day, maybe career?:-?
they dont have to prove impaired just over their suggested line is all...
The courts will do the rest...
still doesnt stop them from doing what THEY WILL DO EVERY TIME..
Its what they are all about Its their JOB they will say to find bad pot heads.. LoL
because of prohibition attitudes that dont know any better even when they are told!
I would like to ( in a non driving situation ) say to a cop " Hey I just smoked 3 joints in a row " " please evaluate me for impairment "
Then after I proved myself to be perfectly fine...." I'd ask him/her " so what do you make of that then " ????
After just now returning home in the past few years, I can say if this legislation passes as it is being proposed I am selling off all the properties I have and gtfo asap.
For all those saying just fight it in court, I do not have the time energy or money.
Nova Scotia just keeps on reminding me why I left in the first place. What a fucking shit hole run by complete backwoods dicks with brother daddies. No wonder 1 in 3 kids live below the poverty line here.
I would like to ( in a non driving situation ) say to a cop " Hey I just smoked 3 joints in a row " " please evaluate me for impairment "
Then after I proved myself to be perfectly fine...." I'd ask him/her " so what do you make of that then " ????

I was stopped in a big ride program last nite on the way home from the 6ix. I had just left a medicated dinner and ingested no less than 300 mgs...dabs and blunts were going all night. The cop only asked if I had been drinking and I said no. He flashed his flashlight on my face and said...”dude nice TML coat!” We had a quick chat about lasts night win over the Habs, and he said...”have a nice night, and drive safe.” Off I went!

Was I intoxicated? Yes! Was I impaired to drive? No!
I was stopped in a big ride program last nite on the way home from the 6ix. I had just left a medicated dinner and ingested no less than 300 mgs...dabs and blunts were going all night. The cop only asked if I had been drinking and I said no. He flashed his flashlight on my face and said...”dude nice TML coat!” We had a quick chat about lasts night win over the Habs, and he said...”have a nice night, and drive safe.” Off I went!

Was I intoxicated? Yes! Was I impaired to drive? No!
Sweet......I went through one a few weeks back just after my puffco use.....nada problem..have a nice evening Sir!
I was stopped in a big ride program last nite on the way home from the 6ix. I had just left a medicated dinner and ingested no less than 300 mgs...dabs and blunts were going all night. The cop only asked if I had been drinking and I said no. He flashed his flashlight on my face and said...”dude nice TML coat!” We had a quick chat about lasts night win over the Habs, and he said...”have a nice night, and drive safe.” Off I went!

Was I intoxicated? Yes! Was I impaired to drive? No!
I would think shining a flashlight in anybodies eyes would cause a similar result...squinting and blinking. Are they that stupid really?????