canadian soil problem

I am currently located in Canada, and have no way of getting any Fox Farm items.

Can someone give me an idea of a soil and nutrient of equal value, or something that will work?
I will be ordering off the internet, so websites would be a great +, how ever i would rather go into town and get the stuff, so i dont get charged 50$ for shipping.


Misguided Angel
Have you thought of making your own soil mix? That's what I do and it seems to work out good for me. A good quality soil, worm castings, perlite, some dolomite lime and you're good to go. I am thinking of trying promix next though.


Well-Known Member
It's usually drainage that's lacking, and causes problems in most of the 'lesser' soils. As long as you add a bunch of perlite, just about any soil will work great, even....yes, Miracle Grow soil. Start with good drainage, and you're good to go. Nutes can always be added.


Active Member
Try, Go to Lowes , Buy composted sheep manure, peat moss, play sand. it's about 15cents to make 1L. enjoy. it's works great, logged in my journal as well.


Active Member
Sunshine organics it's a bit spendy, but I know it comes out of canada and it's the best soiless mix I've come across.